Zero interest in Demon Souls. They could give it out free and I wouldn’t play it. Less than zero interest actually, if that’s possible.
Zero interest in Demon Souls. They could give it out free and I wouldn’t play it. Less than zero interest actually, if that’s possible.
This is straight bullshit.
The Onion called it:
I expected a comment like that. I did read the review. At no point do you mention if you actually liked the game or not. You mentioned finding some parts “fun,” and that the devs played some things conservatively. Considering how much you talked about anticipating the game on the podcast over the past year, guess I…
“This time, don’t be afraid to lean into it.”
Honestly, shove that manhood right up your ass and stfu. All this bullshit about MANHOOD, be a man, manly man, is what makes the world so motherfucking bleak and dangerous for the rest of us.
Really? Because it looks like the white kid got away with harassing a classmate and wasn’t punished for that. Seems like a win to me; a win for white supremacy that is.
An old friend of mine was/is a TSA agent at Logan airport and told me this:
Me. I noted it up there ^.
Maybe, but you can just as easily NOT use it.
Then I shall leave the “times DC or affiliates have killed Dick Grayson since 2011" at a pencilled in “7" and queue the ‘Nightwing deaths set to Yakkity Sax’ montage.
Which is also my new rap name.
I really appreciate Kotaku posting articles on both sides of a divisive perspective. I was fairly vocal in the comments on the articles which decried Dragon Age: Inquisition for having too much content. For fans of the series that have been waiting for a worthy sequel for years (ie. folks like me), the game's wealth…
Nothing wrong with that. I think one of my biggest gripes with Bungie/Destiny is their REFUSAL to add Raid/weekly Strike matchmaking. Which also plays into th fact that it helps to know people IRL I can text/email during the day to plan when we can do the raid.
Or Fucking knight enchanter. Boring as hell to play with but boy is it empowering!