Dubai is known for being a billionaire’s playground and nothing else. The only reference it could serve as in a movie would be a “the 1 percent are evil” metaphor.
Dubai is known for being a billionaire’s playground and nothing else. The only reference it could serve as in a movie would be a “the 1 percent are evil” metaphor.
You’re right; fuck fiction, and people who stoop so low as to enjoy it.
Physically and psychologically torturing gays, yea, such moral complexity.
Putting someone in a concentration camp with a pink triangle sewn onto on their striped suit and working them to death is not “rehabilitation”, mate.
Michael B. Jordan needs to be a star. The fact that almost every review gives him as much attention as Boseman makes me happy.
I subscribed to the NY Times after the presidential election. They seemed to take it as license to run hard after the right wing since they thought they’d permanently locked up the left one. I cancelled my subscription today and told them why in no uncertain terms, also I would only resubcribe if I saw substantial…
Nice job, NYT, in taking MONTHS to vet this racist and somehow not finding anything that would cause you to not hire her. Stuff found in minutes by the interwebs.
Ironically she should get a raise!
I guess sourcing all those Trump loving white supremacists in rural areas was getting too hard so they tried to bring it in house.
Retread mediocre white people too. I swear there are C average white dudes out there who’d put a bit more effort into it, at least for awhile. Instead they just hire retreads who sucked at other papers to spew the same thing without fail. None of them ever seem to shift stances as circumstances or data changes.
Wow, this salty psychic racist virgin sure thinks he’s awesome.
Yeah. We can just Godwin ourselves here and say that Hitler may very well have been super polite to most people, helped old ladies cross the street, and fed the homeless, but it doesn’t change the facts of his other actions.
Yeah, it’s like “will you two kiss already!?”, only worse
Yeah, he said “racist” like fifteen times.
Also Blade and Soawn did well because they weren’t RACE FOCUSED AND RACIST!
If some asshole parks in the street and blocks you don’t you just key the shit out of it? There’s numerous times I’ve keyed a car or even thrown a co-workers lunch away because they fuck up the microwave and never clean up. Then I listen in shock how “some asshole” threw away their lunch. I make my eyes extra wide…
I really, truly don’t give a shit about a movie’s Rotten Tomatoes score. Please stop trying to make every movie’s score on the fucking “tomatometer” a life-or-death matter.
What she would really say is... Yes, I am racist. I’ve always been, every one in my family is and all my friends are. Im tired of hiding it. I want to be an out in the open racist and all racist agree - we dont want to hide our racism anymore. We want to bully black people because of something they cant change (their…
And THIS is why I don’t trust white people. Forget the “Red Scare”. It’s the White Scare that’s the real problem.
“Well rappers say it and you don’t get mad...” is right up there with “what about black on black crime” as things some white people don’t care about (rappers, black on black crime) until they’re trying to justify their racist/bigoted actions and behaviors.