I am glad that release of racism was cathartic for her. More people should follow her lead, on camera.
I am glad that release of racism was cathartic for her. More people should follow her lead, on camera.
Being that she’s a producer, she’s had her hand in a lot of hiring choices.
Boy, that went racial, quickly. No, wait, I guess it didn’t if she’s been waiting so long to say it out loud, huh.
White woman goes to the n-word when things don’t go her way. Film at 11.
she heavily insinuated that “strong” women don’t allow themselves to be emotionally or physically abused by their partners
Either Hilary Clinton is the greatest criminal mastermind in the history of this country (investigated for 20+ years & never indicted) or she’s NOT FUCKING GUILTY. Jesus tapdancing christ you fucking Trumphumpers are dense
Wow, the mediocre white boys came out in full force tonight. Stay mad in the grays, kids.
What utter bullshit. She has been investigated a million times (for nothing). If you sat out voting or voted for Trump because you’re a misogynist or easily led, that’s on you.
They are deliberately Trying to bring African America to the boiling point.
Is that supposed to be somehow better though? Because if anything, the fact that so many couldn’t be bothered to vote against him is at least as infuriating.
This “Anglo-American heritage of law enforcement” needs to be dismantled. I’m almost certain communities are better off policing themselves. Whoever came up with the idea of tarnishing that child’s character should feel shame & I hope they eternally burn in hell along with those who cosigned on it.
Every time I’m appalled by the repulsive shit spewing from Conway or Huckabee Sanders, it pops into my head: 53% of white women voted for Trump. Fifty-three percent. The mind fairly boggles.
The little baby trolls are up past their bedtime...
Missed opportunity to note the truth about the 13th amendment. It did NOT abolish slavery. Instead, it constitutionally protected a very large exception for it: “Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime....”
I remember the textbook for my American History AP class had that Lincoln quote and it blew me away. Whenever I would tell people about it they would tell me that I was remembering it incorrectly.
That he won is a reflection of your hate-filled country. That he won is a demonstration that the system is broken.
hey Johny your roommate just called, he said your Trump dick bong caught fire and your whole collection of Dennis Miller DVDs was destroyed in the blaze
Those are fiveheads.
This is just what happens when you run around all day chanting “white powder!” They eventually send some to your home.
What’s with the foreheads?