
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence

“I’m in utter disbelief at what just happened. I didn’t think there was anything controversial about this resolution.”

Is this a rhetorical question?

Well.. actually.. Merck....

Actually it will help millions of people and it is necessary to undo generations of fucked-up racist land stealing. There is no other fix.

You should try reading the article again.

haha you think those laws will be applied to white people. adorable.

white people are why we cant have anything nice. zzz my aunt on the rez in WI still wont move in with us because she fears white men with guns and their “rules”

It’s been decades since apartheid ended, and yet there has been very little real progress for black south africans because of the entrenchment of wealth amongst white south africans. There is literally no other solution other than taking the land, because white south africans have had decades to make any sort of

Black people with good credit and salaries aren’t getting discriminated against anyway.

“pharmaceutical execs” doesn’t sound very much like “black people” so.... probably not

Oh man this farmland redistribution plan pisses off white supremacists soooooo much — if they’re not rhapsodizing the plight of these poor farmers (who own stolen land) and lamenting all the work they’ve put in (to cultivating stolen land) only to have it cruelly taken away (back), they’re screaming “ZIMBABWE” until

Probably “never”

“From what I have seen they do do need help from a [civilized] country like ours.” Yep! This white Australian said “civilized.”

Alabama born, but home in another state. It doesn’t surprise me at all about Jones. I felt he was using the Black voters alone. But the alternative was Moore,and that insane junkyard hound is worse than anything.

Where’s the Bernie Sanders is God cult?

The issue I always have with people talking about voting third-party, is that the third party candidates aren’t about jack shit either. This isn’t a “Democrats and Republicans and the two party system” problem; it’s a “white people run the federal government” problem.

Blue-eyed devils indeed

But aren’t u so excited about Conor Lamb??!!!1 /s

Michael, the actual bill moves the regulatory line from $50b to $250b in the still highly regulated category.