
Fallon’s writer’s room might have the worst “funny in theory/funny in practice” ratio ever. None of those bits are bad ideas on paper, and none of them are funny when put on their feet.

Fuck, Jimmy Fallon is awful.

Agree with you 100%

I think that’s a really great point. And one thing I wish I could have, and should have, made more clear is delineating a personal act of forgiveness vs the spectacle of it. I don’t know if Brandt intended for it to be a spectacle, but because it was filmed, because it was such a high profile case, and because the

Hoo Boy. The Boomer Signal is flashing above gotham. Get ready to be (at best) sea lioned to death by a legion of Doo-wop loving, hippie to yuppie without hitching a step latent racist #NotAllBoomers.


Apples are a gateway fruit to honeydews.

We have multiple editors. I don’t see every article. But, as I said, the buck still stops with me about what we publish.

Yes! I do this a lot, particularly with family and sometimes with friends. How does he have such a hard time with that? 

If one has a propensity to overplan and wants to break that habit, then great, fine. But I don’t understand the group meal thing and letting the unenlightened ones have a ‘small victory’... is having everyone share the dishes some sort of food critic thing? I care not what others order and would never expect to be

It could be another Face/Off type thing. 


Yeah idk what part of that was definitive. I guess because the group split up but clearly they were setting up those stories to be told. 

It felt like a definitive ending? The season 3 finale left a lot of hanging threads. I’m thrilled it’s coming back; ending a show without giving the creators a chance to wrap things up is lame.

Forget it, Jake; it’s Florida Woman.

Yo - where’s Bojack? 

not to mention know all about that archives security guard’s whole past about her missing sister, even her name, is more than just ‘a lucky guess’.

Throughout Hateful Eight, I couldn’t stop thinking, “Sally wouldn’t have allowed this.”

Same with Pulp Fiction.

If you ask me, the most deserved Oscar is Verna Fields’ for editing Jaws.