
How about just sell that console for cheap and donate the money to a soup kitchen for the homeless? Or...whatever. First world fucking problems.

Playing Persona 3 FES for 16 hours straight, no bathroom breaks, no food breaks, not even a single glass of water. I knew I was getting close to the game’s ending, since I was already 400 hours in. At the end of that day, I clocked 416 hours in Persona 3 FES and it was the most beautiful gaming experience I have ever

Sounds really fun, but if the traffic doesn't kill you, the stuttering will. :(

"HomeGrown - Where green means joy and you and your bud can share a BUD."

Honestly, where the hell do these people find the TIME for this crap? It is beyond my comprehension.


Rich Eisen....Richard Eisenbeis....For a second there I thought...Oh my lord.

Where in "you're falling apart IMO" is the phrase "hope you get well soon" included?

How the fuck can you come here and say that crap? How about a "Get well soon, Mike!"? You don't have to be a dick to people feeling sick. Or to anyone for that matter.

Way to make Mr. Cameron welcome, troll. Would it have killed you to just say hi?

"This one has come to share the word of the Enkindlers. This one does not appreciate getting shot."


You are a beautiful, beautiful man. Your comment hit the bullseye. I rarely give to charity (in my case, beggars on the street, because we have maybe two charitable organizations in the whole country spending donations on German sports cars) since my paycheck can only feed me for two-three weeks/month after which I

Well, even if you're a month late to my rescue, thanks for the support! :)

A whopping 17% VAT, huh? Here in Romania, nobody's land, the VAT is 24%.

Now if that doesn't become the catalyst for the next 'Shop Contest, I am fucking done with this community. I can't draw to save my life, but for the love of all geologists out there, make it happen!

Shoulda' used da rubba'!

There's a shit storm coming. But wait, most of it has already passed. That's just an euphemism for " we have been experiencing E3 ALL YEAR".

Oh my God, this article is not about me. I never forced my preference on anyone. Unless I forgot what was the meaning of my post.

All these replies are a far cry from what I was expecting. I used the term "foreigners" since it's mentioned in the article. Japanese girls want to be "foreigners" when they grow up. They want to be as pretty as the "foreigners".