
It's far from an "imposed" standard. It's entirely my preference in women. The more natural, the better. I may be outdated and old fashioned, but the Neo Gal look is not who those girls really are. Of course, they are free to try and be whoever they desire.

Mr. Moose, maybe the term "worship" wasn't quite right in the context. I am totally against the objectification of women, and I prefer natural looking women. Is that better? :)

If only they knew how many "foreigners" just...worship the classic, elegant look of Japanese women: dark, tame hair and beautiful, sincere brown eyes.

What on God's green Earth? You're 24 years old?

Well hello there, 19th century's Evolve! Quite the musket you've got!

My uncle loves to swing. He swings like...all the time. Swinging is not only a joy producing effort, but an emotional journey filled with lust, bittersweet agony, french maids...wait, what were we discussing? Something, nailing, something, swinging....UNCLES!

Amen, brother...Amen.

After finishing Transistor in one sitting, I am now obsessed with it. I catch myself humming many songs from the OST while on my way to work, I dream about it, I...just love it to death.

It's an amazing feat, gaming while standing up. The only times I remember doing that were when arcade cabinets ruled the city's entertainment scene. The good old days when I had my keys around my neck.

Wow. Being 26 myself, I can only game for about three to four hours before I start getting dizzy, heat up and my eyes start burning. How can one game for three days straight is beyond my grasp.

Nice fucking way to get me to click the article, Mr. Luke. But seriously now, couldn't that awesome nautilus be the front cover of the article? Have we become that addicted to sex that it just has to be front page for anything?

Edit: double post.

Now playing

You can NOT tell me you don't see the similarities.

Double post, sorry.

"American Reclamation Corporation. Or the Panasian Cooperative."

Wow, Strawberry sounds like a real peach.

Wow, if I was an Indian in India, this guy would definitely get my vote!

I still remember... The sheer dread, the wonder, the overall feel of the atmospheric...Half Life 1. Not so much Half Life 2.

I never said I am not an avid consumer of anything video game related.

That's exactly what I was thinking. VR should mix in real nice with Draugen. Let's speed things along, FaceRift!