

This is God DAMN brilliant, I LOL'ed so hard !!! You win today's challenge with nary a competitor to stand up to you, my liege !

Small world map, guys ? Really ? There are the two hundred or so dungeons as well. If this still isn't epic, I don't know what the fuck is.

This, my friend, looks absolutely jaw-dropping, both in presentation and combat system. I'm surprised I haven't found out anything about it, even though I'm an avid RPG scavenger.

I forgot to mention that I run it at 1280x1024 on a 17 inch monitor. That's also important for the framerate, and I'm sorry I forgot to mention it.

Absolutely ! The 8800 GTS is still a beast, despite its age. You should have absolutely no problems in playing it on High details !

*the ugly CoD ones*

I am not a LoL player, but I believe the art to be quite classy. The drawing style reminds me of 1950's movie posters, though the cleavage IS a bit revealing. She's a cutie.

Wow, I can't believe how...this particular model is so GRAY.

Hell, it's certainly a hell of a lot better than my last name: Jerdieanu.

If the rest of your hardware setup is at least equivalent to what I have, you will not be let down ! The game looks BEAUTIFUL, and you most certainly won't need any of that ULTRA graphics to enjoy the game more. At least from my point of view. Happy gaming, good sir !

I have an old Intel Pentium D 3.00 Ghz, so you should see considerably higher performance even with an i3 ! You can imagine the look on my face when I saw it running really smooth on High details ! I am locking myself in my room for the weekend, maybe even taking Saturday off for epic goodness !

I would hate to be "THAT" guy, runs GREAT on HIGH with 2GB DDR2 Teamgroup RAM, Intel Pentium D CPU 3.00ghz, and a low budget nVidia Gigabyte GT430 1GB 128bit OC.

Don't worry my good man ! It runs great on 2GB ram, Dual core Intel CPU 3.00ghz, and a low budget nVidia GT430 1GB 128bit !

Playing it on High with a measly GT430 1GB 128BIT ! Dual core CPU and 2GB of RAM ! You can rest assured it runs great with this low spec PC !

May I ask if those were absynth springs by any chance, my good sir ?

My God, man, that was amazing ! I commend you for a beautifully written short piece and hope you experience the hell out of this game's massive lore ! I know I will !

Sir, I commend you ! This is by far the most engrossing backstory of any character of Elder Scrolls lore ! I would double-heart you, but the Kotaku heathens won't allow it.

I'm sorry I didn't catch the joke, but I wasn't joking myself. I get inspiration from most of the usernames on Kotaku, inspiration used for writing dark comedy.