
Are you guys for real ? #7 is a real screenshot ? Is it from Deus Ex: Human Revolution ?

I guess you could say the Xbox just got...

"The "Game of Thrones" game. It's not a game anymore...It's also a book and a TV series...about games being played on a throne. In your bathroom."

I am so sorry, it never was intended for this to happen, I swear ! I like you just as much, you just haven't been around much lately.

I'm a GOD DAMN Collector !

You actually make some very valid arguments here. I think of myself as a collector as well, seeing that I actually own an Odissey (with "games", if you consider plastic covers over the TV screen games).

Does my lovely Aigis figurine avatar count as an animated Character ?

She is one of the most ravishing creatures to ever grace the white walls of Kotaku; she's definitely Sakura. And hey, she has booze.

"Peepee no Risinguu Ichiban Moe Imouto Rabu Rabu GO !"

My folks divorced when I was 5 years old. I still talk to my biological father, although I've grown cold towards him as the years passed. This makes me very sad, knowing that he's hurt because I don't visit him much anymore.

So this is the Kojima that undeniably turned a certain Snake from Liquid to Solid ?

I believe Emina's tight ass perfectly complements her joyful babylons.

"Tadaaa !!! Penisuu No Risinguu-kun !"

I will be your GlaDOS if you'll be my Cave Johnson. Hearted <3

Oh, the brilliant ideas some lazy people get. I just hearted you for this.

Dragons flying over the rainbow.

I recognized 21/40 from my first look. Is that bad ? I'm sure that if I try harder, I'll guess more. Besides...Batman freaked me out and I lost all focus.

What I see from scanning the picture above:

Now playing

Super Putty would like to have a word with you regarding that "Hardest Game Ever" title, Brian.

Was I the only one that smiled for the whole duration of that first video ? Don't you guys just want to eat her up ??