
Must definitely heart you for the Monster refference. I gallantly bow before you, my good sir. *brofist*

I did not beat Portal 2 co-op...sorry. I am a lonesome, ellusive creature that thrives on beer, pistachio and single player goodness.

I kindly bow to your good will, my gallant sir. :3

I ain't hatin' on whitey, my good man. It just baffles me how could anyone cosplay as a blond Chell, make a dorky face and cover it with blood, all in the same picture. It's complete lack of good taste. Have at this womanly, mature Chell while we be debatin':

Come at me bro.

Hey, where are Bud, Kelly and Buck ?

First of all, that is the UGLIEST Chell I have ever seen. Also, the ugliest Lightning I have ever seen. Seriously, why do they look so pissed ? That's NOT being cute.

I totally agree. It's not wrong to get in touch with your creative/inspirational side, people.

What tissues are you guys talking about ?

Yes ! That's it ! Appreciate them, wether it be sister, brother, mother or father. I've turned out great, because I've had my revenge on him years later...I avenged myself with words that left him in a dark place. You shouldn't have to go through anything of the sort to "turn out" in one way or another. *brofist*

I've had my share of beatings from a psychopath who lived with my mother for a whole decade. When she went to work, he used to break nut shells and made me sit with my knees on them for a whole night, with my hands up. He enjoyed watching TV in the same room. If I so much as moved or blinked, he would grab my head and

I can still remember the day dad came to visit on my 6th birthday. I had a black and white television set and dad brought me a weird console called Ending Man II, along with a 9999999 in 1 games cartridge.

I can't believe how similar our wasted days are. I can't bring myself to admit that I have a problem with happiness and free time. I feel SO guilty for sometimes not taking my friends' calls on a sunny weekend just so I can go one more hour in Mass Effect 2's mind-blowingly fun Insane mode or Fallout New Vegas'

Any news on the implementation of the coveted Red Light District ?

I HAVE to leave work 10 minutes before the trailer goes live. My internet connection at home got cut off TODAY due to late payment. Can you guys imagine the terrifying situation I'm in ? Can you grasp the horror in my heart ?

I'm literally about to have a god damn heart attack. I'm at work, going crazy from nothing to do, because closing time is near. I chugged down about 3 coffee cups this far and I am psyched beyond this galaxy. The rush is sending chills down my spine as the timer slowly approaches D-day (D-second ?).

DAT rack. Thank you, Kotaku, my chicken is now happy.

I just pictured Blanka grabbing Cammy's ass, wearing a big grin on his face. Is that weird ?

Nice way to ruin a man's favorite pastime, you fucking nazis. What's next, solitary confinement for building Lego Teletubbies ?

I shed no blame unto anyone. I was not being judgemental in any way. My life, hell, anyone's life is too meaningless when confronted with fate striking in such a way. No fucking words of remorse can fix something like this. Can you picture the last moments in that girl's life ? I read the whole story. I tried to put