
That's the sad part.

I agree, but I live in a third-world country.

I think this topic's title kind of goes both ways.

Just upgraded from 1.5GB DDRII and integrated graphics to 3GB DDRII and a 430GT from nVidia. Now I can finally play The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.

This is now officially a CoD vs. CS thread !

Just check out #2. Who doesn't just crave for a woman on a leash, wrapped in a bed cover ?

Where's the golden disk ?


It's "Densha Otoko" and I'm a huge fan of the series. Hearted, by the way.

Religion is bad...mkay ? It's bad...

Not that I know of, but I wouldn't be surprised. Just imagine a legit pedophile convention.

Looks more like a drag queen if you ask me. Notice the disproportional body ?

In other news, otaku around the world gather up for the next exciting Loli-Con.

Something else leaked as well. And it's in my pants. Anyway, looks amazing enough to hook me even more in the RPG goodness to come.

Oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah, she is beyond hot. I would with her.

Rabies won't be an issue most likely once v2 is out.

I would much rather wait for a proper iteration of this amazing device.

In other recent news, Lucas Arts announces its new IP: Elder Wars: Crafting Stars and Dust on a whim over at Skyrim.

There were no Steve puns intended. I am sincerely sorry.

Just rely on Han-Jobs to get things done.