
@Decoy_Doctorpus: Welcome to the NHK IS the best anime in the past few years, thank you !

@G0RF: Amen to that !

@Giantmoth: Totally agreed, I'm glad Samus won't be exploited DOA style.

Woah...way too many shrooms this fellow has served.

So...any news on DLC ?

Hirabayashi* was prompted to share

Do they offer services for my Raider Blastmaster Armor ?

@Herabek: What ? A man can dream..

Ewww, give me back my sexy small Midna please.

I guess you could say...She can't wait to play with her boyfriend's ...sack...boy ?

@Manly McBeeferton: You could duct-tape a Virtual Boy to your head while you're in miracle world. So all that pot doesn't go to waste.

@stewox: Duuuude...that is the longest sentence I've ever read.

@Halo_Override: No, it's "Now I..know, just fuck it.

No Mr. Mike, actually the inclusion of female combatants in fighting games is just pure fan service. (Except for Shiva, DO HO HO HO).

@scrapking: Thank you, hahaha, this made my day.

Meanwhile, inside the facility...