
@EBITUSA16: South Korea is one of the most F2P MMO-plagued places I can think of, that's why parents can't do much about it. Not really the parents fault when little Kim Yeong hears from his best friend that *insert new korean MMO here* is the new best thing.

I guess you could say he looks like he woke up on the wrong side of the pokeball..and having a really bad fur day.

A massacre...The floods have taken away human lives by the tens...Sure my heart crumbles at the sight of those poor Game&Watches, but my prayers go to the families and their lost loved ones. Rest in peace, aussies and Marios alike.

@ChrisPBacon: "These readings are off the charts !"

Oh alright, Mr. augustus87, can I please have a legendary mount and the awesome+12 Bloody Axe of the Accountant while you're at it ?

@Deftone: Awww dude, but I don't have a life. I can't have..."friends".

@reynwrap582: I'm sorry to hear that, in the meantime I bought it and it's awesome.

Scan this, science !

"working on a very innovative 3rd person action-adventure title for next-gen consoles for 2012"...Next gen consoles of 2012...Really ? Did I misunderstand ?

Congratulations bro, I'm proud.

@N-Robes: Exactly. I remember MK for its cheesy lines, random encounters and the upbeat music. Nothing beats Scorpion suddenly popping up, swinging his anthropode junk around and owning everyone. Or the sheer badassery of Sektor and Cyrax. Now we get this real life Akountant Kombat crap, jeez...

Holy cake jumping out of a fat girl...That toilet is the bomb.

Yes, there was this one time when I spent four months in prison.

@Aibyouka-kun: Hahaha, look like you had your share of bad games in your lifetime.

@McGinge: @MesaBoogieTool: Thanks for the info, I'll be sure to buy this sometime soon.

We just had it coming, didn't we ?

I can't believe how amazing this game looks, wacky cover aside. I never bothered to check gameplay footage, being an RPG diehard and all. Is this by any chance Crytek's engine ?

This reminds of Prototype in terms of pure ownage...except the "teleport and stun" part.