
@wiskill: As I've stated in my previous comment, I hate to make erronated assumptions, so let's all pray to the mighty Ktulhu that the PSP2 has at least half the battery life of the 1xxx or 2xxx models. Also, I believe a third-party battery manufacturer will eventually get involved.

I think those lips look hot. Allthough that picture is bound to creep out Manly McBeeferton's avatar even more.

And there it is...the almighty PSP2 mockup. I hate to make assumptions before getting hands-on with the device, but I strongly believe this baby will output a gameplay time of maybe 3-5 hours before the battery is completely drained. I hope to God I'm wrong. Any insight ?

Looks like a squid to me.

@Natey: Woow, really ?

I have some sake cup knock-offs at home, sake. May I join you for drinks ? *bows*

Does it come with...DLC ? ! Take a closer look guys ! The hugging pillows are CLEAN !

Ugh...I had a little case of the nostalgia this morning when arriving at work. I got on the bus and this middle-aged guy wore the same perfume my dad wore when he brought home my first console centuries ago: The god damn Ending Man console (NES rip-off) , played on a black and white TV, rain pouring outside, red

From his mouth to the screen ? Really ?

I believe this whole legal kebab will fail and overflow onto Sony's ass like molten lead.

@LucasTizma: I also do that, it's not really convenient to drag all my favorite games with me on the bus while on my way to work.

1300mAh only ? No wonder this thing lasts 3-5 hours of gameplay only. What a shame...My ex phone, the N95 8GB had more juice to spare. And it wasn't even 3D !

I just hope it won't turn out to be a ...catastrophe.

@rebanehv: ...Said the hardcore guy with the cute kitty avatar.