
Nobody opted for abortion?

Seems smart to me.

who the fuck else would it be?

Lol. I don’t hate kids, but it pleases me so much when they’re not allowed somewhere. Sorry, but most kids are annoying in public.

Languages are lost all over the world, that’s how languages are. They pop up and change to the point where they are no longer recognizable as the previous language or disappear entirely. It’s sad but its not a crime against humanity. There are a ton of languages in Europe that have disappeared entirely very recently


I hope you know that people like you are part of the problem.

Do you have any other name to call it that you want to bar half of the population from even applying for a job, based solely on their gender? I don't know that a dictionary could be more exact.

Reading and responding to your actual words =\= false accusations.

Owie, I got called on my bullshit in other threads, so I’m starting a new thread! The manfeels, they hurt.

*laughing my ass off*

Makes perfect sense for you to not see it then. I think the writer’s point is kinda weak though. She doesn’t want to see somene doing something dangerous and being “an idiot”. It’s more intriguing to watch a movie about someone who is smart enough to not walk on a tightrope? That’s a joke, right? I think it’s

He’s a lunatic who advocates for killing abortionists.

Normally, that would be a good point, but this guy literally wants people to kill doctors soooo...

Hey, anyone remember how an identical “Christians were targeted” story about Columbine turned out to be be complete and utter bullshit? Anyone?

Oh, for crying out loud. You are probably the parent raising that kid that thinks its entitled to everything and has no boundaries. Cool. You do that. But don’t act like kids are beasts from another planet who cannot be taught anything.

No. I'm sorry but no. I am definitely on board with explaining bodily functions, using correct terms for body parts, being naked occasionally, etc. But I will also teach my future child the value of privacy and boundaries.

Yes, this. I hated both of my parents from an early age. Flash forward to my dad, sitting teenage me down to inform me he would be divorcing my mother. It was a turning point for us. I don’t know why, but in that moment, I decided I’d give him one more chance to do the right thing and I opened my heart to ask if I

Cool story

What is atheistic about his “pagan” and “spiritual” beliefs?