(waves hand) Another guy here who'd buy it on Steam, but has no interest in looking into PS emulation—heck, I'm not even sure how I'd go about buying it on the PS store without having a PS.
(waves hand) Another guy here who'd buy it on Steam, but has no interest in looking into PS emulation—heck, I'm not even sure how I'd go about buying it on the PS store without having a PS.
Combined with the header image, I was expecting something about dating a YouTuber in real life, or possibly stalking them. Eh, close enough.
It's either because he had to fight The Fiddler once (well, was doing the prep work for it) or for his Sherlock Holmes cosplay.
Possibly. If so, pre-ring, presumably, and a secret he'd want to keep once he got the ring.
I actually have a kid in the right age range, and I frequently get him Wacky Packs without him being in the car at the time; show no shame and they probably won't think twice about it. (I mainly get them on Wednesdays, since the one near my house has discounted WPs then—actually the discount's good enough I've been…
It's a chain, right? I remember there being one in Houston, usually referred to as "House of Guys."
Interestingly enough, if I see something called "the worst game of 2014", I'd consider it obvious that it's opinion, not fact, and would not expect to see someone note that.
Wondered if I'd have any of these, since I do try to grab rare things, but the only one I've got is the TLPD (and the honorable mention of Dirge's Kickin' Chimaerok Chops...actually got that one twice, sold one). Funnily, I think the Thistle Tea recipe is the one thing I could imagine paying the 1 million gold -1…
Anecdata: I first mentioned the possibility of marriage at about 4-5 months in, freaking my girlfriend out. Actually got engaged at 10 months, married at 15 months. Currently coming up on 13 years of extremely happy marriage.
The biggest problem I see with taking it as a rule is properly grouping things. If “everything in moderation” means I can have a little junk food each day, that’s one thing—not healthy, but it limits the damage.
Wife and two kids here, and three jobs. I always try to take at least a little time to unwind in WoW at the end of the day—I usually manage about 30 minutes, but sometimes I stay up late (and my wife handles our youngest's bedtime routine) or I get a day off due to my flex schedule and can get a few hours in.
I’m in Arizona, and “salsa” is usually what it gets called, but there are plenty of people who call it “dip.” At plenty of places I’ve been, it’s the only thing that would be brought out for “chips and dip,” but if there were multiple options, you’d certainly want to be clear.
Given that there are lots of cheeses that can be called queso, I wonder at calling any of that range inauthentic. I personally am not big on the queso-with-chips thing, but I love queso fundido, which tends to be a white cheese. When I’ve looked for something similar in the grocery store, the closest thing seems to be…
...Really? Haven’t found those pockets, I guess.
Could be, or it could be they had a big group of people and while they were talking about how they were going to feed them, were joking about how this would probably break the restaurant, which amused them. I've certainly had friends who would have such conversations and who would be amused at the thought, even if…
Much praised? I wasn’t especially involved in comics at the time, but to the little extent that I was, “mixed” is about the best I could say for what I heard about Hudlin’s run. When it started, I seem to remember it being described as a fresh start, with some interesting ideas, but later what I was hearing seemed to…
Well, beer will work on killing you very slowly, and is good at making other things look cute, so I guess that combination is good enough.
That Sonic one just sounds like they were hearing the employee talking to somebody else—more possible at Sonic than just about anywhere else, since each of the many drive-in stalls has its own speaker.
...okay, you got me. I'm fine with boxed cakes and canned frosting. 10% of food I try to eat is bad, maybe 5% is good, 85% is good enough. I'm fat, but it's not because I enjoy eating, I just eat.
Anecdata: Nope. I like red velvet cake (though quality does vary widely), and do not like ranch.