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    I’m fairly strongly introverted, but not exclusively so. What I’ve noticed is that situations where there are very clearly defined roles are much less draining for me than otherwise—I’ve taught at the junior college level without it bothering me too much, and tabletop gaming sessions are fine too. More casual social

    Note that there is no "University of Tucson." The University of Arizona is located in Tucson.

    Hmm? They're playing on vanilla servers, using the same files from back then, including the numbers they used back then. Or am I missing your point?

    Okay, I get it now. I was folding "mug-of-chino" around in my head and came up with mochaccino, wondering if that was a thing now, seems like it would be. To Google...yep, it is!

    You can't be in a guild on *any* server. However, a number of servers have merged; while you still have your original server identity, a guild on a merged server can have members from any of the servers that were merged.

    I'll sometimes order a big meal and a diet coke—not because it cancels anything out, but because it's at least fewer calories than ordering a big meal and a regular coke. (I'm pretty much addicted to soda—I'd have an easier time downgrading to a salad and coke than, say, a big meal and water.)