
It's incredibly frustrating to hear people argue that those receiving welfare are lazy— these women were working their asses off, working multiple jobs, juggling day care and getting their kids to services for their needs and often neglecting their own. Women who worked so hard and were offered promotions because they

I figure the persons actually contributing sperm and egg are not always the ones recorded as the parents, there’s so much stuff that goes on with folks raising their sister’s out-of-wedlock child, traveling peddlers, etc. Even in what we think are closed communities like European ghettoes.

I don’t think I would call her an idiot. If she fell off the wagon, got into a fight with friends and as a result was highly emotional, she probably wasn’t in her right mind. Maybe she made a stupid irrational decision but I don’t think its fair to call her an idiot. Have a little compassion please.

Yes. Our fridge broke in my 1500 a month apt in Brooklyn when my son was an infant and I was a working mom trying to keep him in pumped milk. My landlady chose to educate me that “breast milk can be kept in the freezer” when I called to insist that she fix it after three days in 100 heat and no working fridge. And to

When White people are happy, we’re ALL happy!

One of the weirdest things about this whole controversy (to me), is that an extremely similar scandal happened just a few months ago. Another picture book, named A Fine Dessert, also depicted slaves making desserts in a way that many found objectionable. You would have thought that Scholastic would have noticed what