
I’ve taught college students so I know. They are the worst. They, their parents and their dean will threaten your livelihood over an A-. (Not kidding here.) But I think we have to ask where that extreme behavior is coming from. And the only thing I can think of is that it’s actually a neurotic response to the fact

Wow. Nowhere in my post did I say we need to take care of 21 year olds so they never hurt themselves. You are obviously reading that into what I wrote because you want to argue with someone who believes that. All I said, and this is true, is that a 19 year old’s brain is not the same as a 21 year old’s brain, which is

She was probably not an idiot. She was probably just 21. People in this age group die all the time because they underestimate what it will take to kill them. That’s why you hear about college students dying of the flu, or of over exercise. I think that most people don’t really feel, in any concrete way, that they

Yeah. People who claim that style is an apolitical issue that has nothing to do with gender inequality are pretty much full of shit. There is not as much conscious choice that goes into getting dressed as one would like to think. I live not far from you and I know exactly the phenomenon you’re talking about: College

Wow. That’s so much worse than I thought it could be.

But this doesn’t appear to be a book about Black people who happened to be slaves, living their day to day lives, experiencing diverse human emotions. This appears to be a book about good guy George Washington, told through the eyes of his slaves. That’s not right.

I completely relate to the embarrassment of having a dog that is afraid of people. I adopted an extremely fearful dog about a year and a half ago. He would try to hide behind me, and often growl, if we encountered anyone. I spoke to a behavior therapist and we started a desensitization program. It consisted of us