
“It’s also a BMW, so people will assume it’s broken down.”

e39 owner here. They would assume correctly.

Manual 4.4 black 540i

Feel bad for the guy, has to carry that with him his entire life. That being said, are we all pretty much assuming there is going to be a terrible attack at this Olympics? Everything about these games has been shoddily put together by Brazil and I can only imagine how awful security is going to be. Between that

Here’s hoping that people here remember: THIS KID IS NOT HIS BROTHER!

Texas, as always, keeping their priorities straight.

Do you really want to hear some 14 year old Russian kid calling you a faggot and saying how he’s going to rape you though?

You know, if you really like a Nintendo-related fan project, don’t post it on Kotaku, because that’s like a hotline to Nintendo’s lawyers ready to push the shutdown button.

I only take cash.

I like you. I need a consultant like you.

1) who fills up the truck when it runs out of gas
2) who gets arrested when drug cartel sends a fleet of these trucks across border?
3) How do I get a fleet of these trucks?

pretty sure the Umber’s millennial children are in charge now and they thirst for leaders who are more in touch with today’s fast-paced social-media driven society.

Which is exactly what happened in Brussels in March. They literally walked into the Check-in pre-security area with a luggage cart full of explosives.

... PreCheck.

These things are amazing. You can drive with the top down at 30* and be perfectly toasty at highway speeds with the top down.

Note that the tax deduction phases out at an income that, if you have a college income and a professional job, is relatively low.

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2010 Dodge Challenger has to make this list. Same, nasty four-spoke issue as the Corvette, and Dodge was still using the Ram logo for the Dodge brand. Very glad they moved away from that.

But who’s going to give the Jeep guys a ride to the trails when they break down three times on the way?

The advantage is the driver isn’t the 1st person to impact the truck.

And the ever famous yet ever true cure-all: