I REALLY hope Audi decides to make an SQ3. Imagine this with the S3 engine in it. Tune it up just a touch to account for the increased weight as opposed to the A3 body and call it a day.
This chart is crap.
In my more shameful college days I used to smoke the synthetic stuff quite frequently. The K2 variety. It was a terrible experience. The anxiety, insomnia, high blood pressure, and general paranoia it caused were the reason I stopped.
Check out the IS350 F-sport if you are cross shopping those two. I was shopping in this segment very recently and went with the IS. It was more fun to drive than the Q50 and I preferred the interior to that of the ATS. Also, the backseat of the ATS is borderline unusable for adults. Good luck!
I know that pain. (Internet hug)
Love the review. If you ever make it to Texas give Taco Bueno a try. The nachos are about the same price and much much tastier.
Alright! Who is cutting the damn onions!?
Yup. Expose and engorge them.
Fair enough. But, 50k pounds sterling is roughly $76,000.00. That sounds spot on for a new M3. Especially when the MSRP on a lot of them is ~$80k.
They took his 50k pounds sterling and his M3 and now he has a 330d? Am I missing something or did he just get fleeced? If it was sold as a “New” dealer demo why wouldn’t he get a new car?
This makes me sad. The B8.5 is most likely the car I will get next. Not leased, buying a lightly used one. I’m not a D-bro so I might have to look elsewhere.
Checking in here at 1 year out. Carmax prices hold steady at low $40’s. Waiting for that sweet sweet sub $40’s.
Found the union member. First off, unions are outdated. They archaic and were from a time when workers were constantly taken advantage of by the respective industries they worked for, see Upton Sinclair’s, The Jungle.
Stop. I can only get so aroused.