
Sadly Amazon has been outsourcing some of their support outside of the US and the quality of the work these outsourced call centers has been sub par. I've had to call amazon due to multiple shipping isues multiple times and the first line of support is outside the US, they obviously do not look at all the details and

I have a bumper style case on mine and I take it off every now and then to ensure no dirt is in there that could scratch the metal. So far I have dropped my phone a couple of times and it has taken the abuse quite well without damaging my phone. Best thing, I paid under $10 on Amazon for it.

Ok, for $10, no thank you, I would rather pay the $19 apple charges for the cable and have a cable that will last me for years vs a shady cable that will last 1 month. If you are talking about getting a few for $10 then sure I'll try but if I have to pay $10 for one and a month after I have to buy another because it

What ever happened to the Microsoft Direct $40 upgrade offer? Did that get pulled?

These are not for children, they are only available through the barbie collector store. The Alien Barbie is actually called Barbie Empress of the Aliens, the doll is quite impressive (wife is a collector and has 1).

Why would I pay $20 for a cheap knockoff when the original is 19? If they are charging a premium for the lighting effect they should have gone without.

Do you have an old non iPhone handset? If you do you can have them create the account and use that sim on the iPhone, just be sure to turn off cellular data. They will detect the iphone when the phone makes a call however, they cant tack on the data plan to the phone unless you approve it. Just make sure that when

Were you able to switch songs while using the dock? I get perfect sound and the album info/artwork however I was unable to change songs from the mounted controls. Im on a Venza, the Bluetooth controls work perfectly but when I use the USB dock I cant change songs. I also it on a Chevy cruze with the dock connector and

You will be able to get audio, you wont be able to control your iPhone from the dock. Thats the only feature that is not working on my Cars dock right now which is not too big of a deal.

Doug, you should really point out that the pet owner signed off on it. From your rendition of the story that is not clear. Its bad that the vet did this and none explained what they were sinning however, before you sign ANY paperwork you should read what you are agreeing to regardless if someone explains it to you or

The packaging process for this batch was off, I have seen a number of things ranging from Scratches and dents out of the box, to dust and hair stuck in the clear film that is attached to the phones out of the box! Mine had all sorts of dust and crud right out of the box. The guy at the Apple store that opened the

I talked to Apple about this and they can fix this in the store, you just need your order confirmation and then you can get your phone and work with them to cancel the online order.

What baffles me is the fact that we allow a product to hit our dinner tables in so many ways and forms with only 90 days of testing! You would think that something that is so widely integrated in our food supply would be more scrutinized and tested than just a quick 90 day trial. People wonder why is cancer so high,

They ran the tests in different configurations to identify if the Roundup or the corn was the cause of the harm. They found that even by lacing the water with roundup to levels considered acceptable for consumption caused cancer on the animals.

This just doesn't make sense, so he spent 720 out of pocket to get 2 iPhones? Wouldn't have been easier to just sell your current phone and use that to buy the new phone? A 4S jailbroken and unlocked can be sold for over 400 out there, even with the early upgrade that is only $50 out of pocket per phone. Plus if you

Like Mahi_chaser posted, your best bet is sell your current phone and pay the difference it should even out. I sold a few 4S over the past few days for around 400 and in some cases more with a quick turn around. If you know how to jail break and unlock it moves quite quickly. If lets say you get 400 for your phone and

The problem is that bad food is too affordable and sensible options are too expensive.

Man, you could have gotten so much more on CL or on Ebay for it. But the convenience of just going to a B&M store and dumping your phone to get a new one no cash out of pocket is pretty nice. I just sold my unlocked 4S16GB for 500 on ebay.

I just need one and I'm debating, I have a nice higher end alarm clock dock in the kitchen and I charge my phone while in there but the dock does have a aux jack so i might just use that. I'll just get extra cables for everything else. I use Bluetooth in the car so that shouldn't be a problem.

Jesus, thanks for the post it is great to see these dogs and their environments. The comments were spot on for the pictures. Hopefully more and more dog lovers will help the military adopt out the ones that retire. Some times given their training its hard to find homes for some of these dogs but hopefully more people