Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

Let's not kid ourselves, nobody in the lord of the rings universe would make it out of book one of Game of Thrones.......just saying.


Social worker PSA:

Now playing

You know, I get that the lady, as an adult, might have overreacted... But only maybe and only slightly. I realize my statement will not make me popular, but those of us who saw the unedited video with the little girl using some very choice spanish curse words know that it isn't just a case about a woman "punching" a

I came here to say this! Condoms also work if you don't have a balloon handy. :)

Easy wine:

Yeah, great thing that Jezebel supports these scumbags by actually purchasing tabloid magazines to do take downs of them every week. I do not care if they publish the photos of kids on this site or not, they are still supporting it by throwing money at them. It's probably the worst recurring post on Jezebel but it

You don't even need the big honking DSLR anymore. Grab an old Olympus PEN ($200) and a MFT-to-T Mount adapter ($10) and T-Mount to 1.25" eyepiece ($15) and you've got a lightweight system that will work on everything except the cheapest of telescopes (which use a smaller eyepiece, but still workable).

Mark, you left out what's totally the best one.

Are you kidding? They took Iron Man's greatest foe and neutered him. The whole alien, ten rings thing, subtley referenced in the first movie was ignored. This is akin to turning the joker into a drunken stoner. Whats worse they took a great actor and what could have been a refreshing take on an outdated villain and

The god of the Bible is, frankly, an immature three-year-old who treats humanity like a bunch of toys that don't behave the way he wants them to, even though they're behaving in the way he designed them to be. He expects humanity to worship him and live up to his moral standards, but he fails to meet his own moral

I know a girl that got 12 inches in one night. We had sex six times.

Best, most overlooked, advice for anyone - don't stop.

I hope, I mean I really hope, DMX is even half as tough as he pretends to be.

This is the guy who claimed that a skinny 17 year old was beating him so badly he had to use deadly force.

"X gon' give it to ya".


Because nobody has yet, I would like to take the opportunity to advocate for people adopting regular, run-of-the-mill shelter pup mutts. There are lots of great animals out there—one for everyone I'm sure—and you can visit with them at the local animal control place and pick one that you get along with best. They

Not science related, but someone already posted a Seahawks gif, so here you go.

"Researchers have yet to speculate on how effective the calculator was as spelling 'boobies'."