That was not twist. I saw it coming a mile away. And what was the point of flying through all those ice canyons? Just eye candy? If there's not a reason why, then the animation becomes an effects reel and not a story.
That was not twist. I saw it coming a mile away. And what was the point of flying through all those ice canyons? Just eye candy? If there's not a reason why, then the animation becomes an effects reel and not a story.
I think we all know what that's really from. They wiped out the dinosaurs, but the atmosphere was too hot for them to stay... So they waited.
No, it's not about two brothers who take dark paths. It's actually about how one family is using time travel to ensure that the family reigns supreme. Hear me out:
So far, we have Alec and his brother Julian. We never meet Alec's real father, though, and we are told that he died in a fire. Fast forward a couple of…
The Republicans can move their primary debates to an unbiased network like Nickelodeon and when a candidate attacks a moderator instead of answering their question they get slimed.
As a lifelong marital artist, I would probably not trust a 'black belt' dressed as a combination nascar driver and tekken character.
This was pretty awesome.
Literally just watched this today. I can't fault it, but I wasn't captivated. I can't really put my finger on why. I think it has something to do with the aliens being kept at arms length for the whole movie and the focus being more on malfunctioning equipment.
Peter Jackson has said that he wants to make the movies for the Temeraire series.
Am I the only one who felt that the creator was kind of satirizing blockbuster trailers? There was like four moments where everything built to a crescendo (often with people shouting at the camera), then went quiet, someone said something marginally profound, and then there was more action. After the second time I…
That is so awesome. Is there any way to feed the algae? Maybe put it in the sun? How long will it last?
I think it's best, when reading Martin, to assume everyone's going to die.
Why can't Avengers 2 just be Thanos?
You just need Thanos.
My grandma is in the final stages, so yeah fuck you and please go die in a fire.
Ironically, most people make fun of the shallow, idiotic meme driven children on Kotaku.
I admire the work put into it, but it looks awful. The character sprites are washed out and lacking in detail, Crono's hair looks like someone dipped a bunch of bananas in red dye and taped them to his head. It's dreadful.
Just went through the gallery and man, THIS is my official Tali:
Wow, you thought that was a stock photo? That's Jane Fonda from Barbarella, one of the most famous scifi movies from the 1960s, about an astronaut who humps her way through every adventure. It's actually completely relevant to the story, and to fandom.
I'm not proud of this but here goes...
Hence why I consistently proceeded to smash Miranda like baby aspirin. She is smokin.