Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

Damn you, Bioware, for not making the prices a bit lower!

As an American who drinks, I knew this already. Annoys the ever-loving shit out of me when people confuse the two. A keg is not carbonated. The drink within the keg is carbonated. There is a distinct difference.

Dear ll the Countries with Good Beer, I agree. Yet, it's a suitable temporary dispenser for beer, provided that the beer is used in a quick manner before it goes flat. egg without salt is a "sad thing"? That sounds fucking disgusting. Eww!

And you, sir/mam, are an idiot. His ideals though, are better for our interests than those of Magical Underpants Mittens, that's for sure.

I think you're an ignorant douche. In my life, I have lived longer in Japan than I have in the United States, and I am an American. My wife is Japanese, my children are American/Japanese (listed that way as A comes before J in the alphabet, not because "America is better, FWIW). This being said,

What the hell? I'm not being snarky here, but wasn't this posted nearly a year ago ? I've seen the video before, and it had to be from here. Or maybe it was "trailer" put out before this clip was made available? Ugh, Wednesday feels like Monday.

The late 90's/early 2000's wants its excuse back. You should give it to him and make up your own, preferably original, excuse.

Screw "Jesus". Get back to the whole Adam and Eve shit and see what was up there so we can finally get all of these religious idiots off our asses.


I'd say the self-destructive burning and having other people in the immediate vicinity is where the line needs to be drawn.

Err, in that county yes, I was referring to areas outside of Vegas (which is why girls there, if they don't want trouble, will try to take you out of town). My apologies on fudging the facts.

Nope...wasn't stated in the short, and I was on break at work. All that = vegetating and not thinking outside the box. Also - WHY did he do it...that got me too...

How about you learn to read? What I was saying is that while the Japanese are pretty badass culturally, in my opinion of course, they were dicks to go around picking on everyone else in the area "for shits and giggles" (or whatever the motivation may have been). I'm not Asian (my genealogy hails from Ireland,

Thank you, Crazy Foreigner ;-)

I have not read any of the other Culture novels. I started the hunt for good sci-fi but haven't found much yet (OSC's stuff was great, Hull Zero One sucked and seemed a rip-off of the movie Pandorum). But what you said does make sense. What would be a good starting location to learn more about this series?

That's an interesting concept in the "weeding". I wonder what the "2,000" years (the date given for the Headless Engineer) plays in with the plot. Sequel, hurry it up! A year and a half to go ;-(

Yet this seems to only exacerbate the issue, as it's certainly not going to go away like this...

Well, yes and no. It's not my place to judge him (them), and while I understand the pain (really, I do, but I won't get into that on this site) that he felt as a child, saying that to receive psychiatric help (not being locked up) is less helpful than him having women come to his place, burn his feet with cigarettes,

George, can we get a source URL for the article? When citing things to colleagues and friends, I'm embarrassed to use Gawker sites, unfortunately. Too much the "daily mail" is for things like Arxive, etc.