Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

Please do not mistake this comment for being a troll or being rude. My questions are sincere, and I'd like answers. First to clear a few things up from the "back of the book" description given first, and then the introduction:

Diablo III: randomly generated replayability?

You must also realize that in antiquity, the Japanese were referred to as "stunted" people, in comparison to the more refined Chinese. Fast forward a millenia, and you've got Japan invading Korea, China, the Ryukyu Kingdom, and other areas. So yes, the Japanese are badasses, but they also had no right to turn into

You cannot be an agnostic atheist. It makes no sense as the two terms contradict each other.

The first 60 seconds are pointless...

Just to let everyone know, has a sale going on for the games that we're talking about here: Depending on how many you purchase, the price goes down for them. I bought 6 (to replace the old disks I have, which I discovered were insanely scratched and wouldn't

TTHIS is exactly why I refuse to play an MMO that hasn't had at least 8-12 months to be vetted by the community and see how it does financially. Wasting money on a game that's just going to be brought down is...well, a waste of money. I'm pushing the edges of playability in Skyrim, but now that it looks like an HD

Here's the thing: if he has no job, and he has no ride...but he's got time to play this game...why the hell is he not in school?

Wow, they even put Gun Kata in this movie?

So was the M. Zoidbergi trying to EAT, or FUCK, that other Wolf Spider-looking critter?

Hey, this is life hacker...where you can repurpose a can of Dr. Pepper to simultaneously act as a WiFi booster *AND* have it cook breakfast for you in the morning with a Raspberry-Pi.

I'm amazed that more people haven't heard of this. It's been out for YEARS, and I've been using it for the past 3-4 years on my PowerShot G9 for astrophotography.

These are the same sponges I've used in the past to make "Fuck-A-Cups".

One person's "mehs" is another person's "yehs!", as they say.

I'm hoping for a second one. It wasn't perfect, but it definitely wasn't terrible. There were worse (much worse!) choices than this to see in the theater this summer.

I do believe that you are wrong about there being no T-shirts. Blue jeans, maybe...but definitely not t-shirts. You can make clothes without electricity, y'know...we've been doing it for thousands of years. And T-shirts are really just 4-6 pieces of cloth sewn together: back body, front body, back/front of each

What I am even more curious about, is how one works in this capacity while constantly staying on your toes to ensure that you aren't getting busted. So we know (via the links and the footnote) that she publishes in various magazines, and has a web site, and is a self-professed escort. Is it not illegal in her state

I started playing it last weekend, and then found DET on Monday. I've been trying to get the mods that he recommends there and the mods that I've always liked to work together, but sadly it seems that Deadly Dragons is causing the game to crash just after the Bethesda logo (just before the Continue/New/Load menu).

This shit isn't done in Japan. While over there, I made a killing at any of the "UFO Catchers" in Jusco, San A, and other shopping centers that had them. It was a good use of 100 yen, and my kids were always happy. There are tricks to grabbing them, of course (such as pinching two boxed items on the corners so that