Make-Believe Invisible Jewish Zombie of UltraPowerfulness

I know when production started for Dredd, and I know when production started for The Raid. I cannot believe, however, that those Hollywood scoundrels didn't add parts into it because it was "badass" or "fit perfectly". Find the script from 2010 and read it. Wasn't it leaked somewhere?

The Stallone film was no where near the same plot that this one is, but nice try.

I have every Dredd comic that has been published since 1984, 3 years after the running of the comic strip started in '81, and I even have the magazines that featured the character from back in the late 70s (back when publication was a serious issue for the comic). If it had come out in '77 like it was supposed to, I


Quiet, son! You are not to speak about your motherland's neighbor! Now, back to your cave for another 3,000 until you get to put your Sheep Costume on during the Tribulations!

I have a Netgear Stora up for grabs for $75 if anyone wants it. I built an actual file server and no longer need it. It's got 2 drive bays, but the 2x 2TB drives that I had in it are now in use in my RAID array house within my PC. Hit me up if you want it, as it's a great for "intro" storage systems, but also

I thought Pauly Shore and Stephen Baldwin were the reason it failed?

"Even if you're a Windows fan, you've probably thought about trying OS X."

Useless in my opinion. You'd never reach he same speeds that an actual bicycle would. I don't really care about it's looks - hell, I ride a "girls" bike, and I'm a guy - at least I think it's a girl's's neutral colors, but lacks the "nutsack rack" bar that men's bikes do. But the fact that the

We get them a lot out here in Arizona. I've been standing outside my car, helping my children hop into their seats, shut the door, and been blasted in the face by these things as they whirl through the city (usually as they die due to all the obstructions). I was driving up to Tuscon from Sierra Vista once, and

It is very similar to "swamp coolers" here in the desert where I live. "Evaporative cooling", "Swamp Coolers", etc...sure, they get muggy when it rains, but oh man does it help when there isn't any A/C around. When our evap cooler went out, I got a bunch of bedsheets wet and stapled them to the

She said she couldn't move it. Some cars won't let you move the shifter while it's in motion. My Toyota Matrix will, much to my wife's chagrin, as I sometimes hit it into neutral while she's driving (on accident when dealing with kids in the back seat).

I wonder if it's possible to pay this back in increments? How is this even handled, financially? Let's say he has to pay this back by the time that he is 50 years old. He will be 29 this year (born 12/1983). That is $21,774.20 PER YEAR the he has to pay back. PER YEAR. That is more than most people have to spend

"more than a confusing jumble"

I have, and it is not fun. Being thirsty, without anything to drink to quench that thirst? You don't have to be in a hot and dusty desert to feel this. The vegetation around the area is nothing but thorns, if that. Only the hardiest of creatures roam the landscape. Produce is never fresh, so those videos of flies

Now playing

I rented this and was severely disappointed. The villain? HOLY FUCK was that just plain stupid. All of the "in and out of the shadow world" bullshit was stupid. And what was with the Spirit of Vengeance doing the whole "swaying back and forth" deal at [

And by *swoon* you mean *vomit*, yes? If not, please explain. I am confused at why she's been allowed in the business as long as she has - no looks, no acting skills, and all but one of her roles was complete shit.

Also - fuck this new commenting system. You can't even expand the goddamned text-box where you type at anymore (you can shrink it's width, but not expand it past the default; and you can't increase the height, either).

I finally got around to watching the entire movie, "The Raid: Redemption" last night.

Cool. Also of note, I heard a Japanese girl in the background say that it was "cool" ("sugoi"). Interesting. So why hasn't she made a robot of it yet?