
What’s the world coming to when you’ve got to check which food items, cars, clothes, films and fuck knows what the fuck else you’re about to discuss with reference to another party? Orange soda is racist? Jesus....

Almost everyone here probably hasn’t listened to his podcast or been to one of his shows. Also, bank account check yourself and then see if that’s north of 20 million.

Some of the most intriguing conversations you can listen to come from him. He may not be the smartest person, but look at who goes on the show and a lot of the guests are very well known intellectuals. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Dan Carlin, and Dr Carl Hart to name a few.

Sheeeeit. Now if he said grape drink or grape soda THEN he was being racist. Orange soda? Nope.

Man, I’m one of those weirdos. I like to have it on in the background while I'm doing paperwork and reports and whatnot.

Top 10 overall podcast on iTunes for over 5 years now.

Grasping for straws, anyone that listens to his podcast regularly knows Joe Rogan is not a racist.

Ehhhh....I don’t know. Cheeseburgers aren’t racist, and I’ve never heard orange soda being a majority black drink (I myself love the shit out of some orange pop, it’s call pop) I can maybe see the fried chicken thing but again that’s more of a southern food and not just a black thing. Also, wasn’t there a college that

I feel the same way. I’ve been around since the mid 1950s, and President Obama is the best president of my lifetime. I’m so sad to lose him as president but very happy for him and his family. It looks like they’re getting excited about getting their freedom back. I’m hoping that Malia will go to Columbia and they’ll

I agree we are in a FAR better place. Remember early in his presidency how careful he had to be around issues of race? There was the incident with Henry Lois Gates and the “beer summit”, and he was so careful to acknowledge but not to rock the boat, lest he be dubbed “racist” by the right wing crazies. Now he is

The Guardian spoke to Aislinn Pulley, co-founder of Black Lives Matter Chicago, who declined attending the gathering, saying it “would only serve to legitimize the false narrative that the government is working to end police brutality and the institutional racism that fuels it.”

I would move to Chicago for this.

Of course, Pennyroyal is hella dangerous, because its hard to get a dose that does the job but doesn’t poison you, and of course the Hammer of Witches did for most of Europe’s competent herbalists over the course of centuries...

Fun fact, both Pennyroyal and the May Apple are abortificants. Guess what grew in the Pilgrim's gardens?