
No, it is clearly being made into a big deal by numerous outlets covering this non-story. This is what is really going on here: Dada just got paid a lot of money to fight. He half assed it during training, and was the first fighter to get KO’d purely from cardio, setting MMA back years in the process. In an attempt to

Nice try jagoff. Check the comment history, I’m a moderate democrat. A moderate who laughs at how ridiculous the far left has grown. But hey, keep on alienating the center, I’m sure that will work out for you guys.

How so? Pointing out that a guy came into a fight grossly out of shape? Saying his arteries were clogged with cheeseburgers, fried chicken, and orange soda? Cheeseburgers and orange soda are negative stereotypes now, are they? The only thing mentioned above that could be perceived as racist was the shit about the

Same here. There is a reason his podcast is consistently in the top 10 month after month.

Cheeseburgers are associated with black people now? I never knew... I always thought cheeseburgers were an American thing. Also, orange soda isn’t something typically used to negatively stereotype black people. Fried chicken,? Sure that’s a negative stereotype, but put in context with everything else, I definitely

Yes And what movies have you directed? Or in the alternative. on what site/tv show are you a movie reviewer, since you know so much about filmmaking? Seriously tho, your a giant ass for criticizing others for their subjective tastes in movies. Fuck you. We all cant like super edgy avant garde art flicks like you.

I have admired alot of what hes done (see post above). But I have really liked what I have seen from him the last couple years he has been in office. Because he doesnt have to worry about how the far right perceive what he does. They can whine and complain all they want and it doesnt matter I agree with alot of people

Yeah, Im with you. I feel bad for him, because hes had to deal with alot of B.S. But he has handled it with more wit and grace then any other president i can think of. And as I mentioned, he has accomplished a lot of incredible things

Yeah, I neglected to mention that. He did all of this with a congress fighting him at every turn, at least during his second term

Like you said, its already the norm. I definitely share your reservations though. Remember, if we get a guy like Trump in office, we may rue the increasing power of the Pres. However, in the hands of a responsible pres, democrat or republican, it can be a useful tool. (And to any righties that may think I am biased, I

I will say this about our president. He has been one of the best presidents this country has had in a long time. Weve cut the budget deficit, avoided being sucked in to any major ground wars, improved access to healthcare, and improved the standing of the US in the eyes of the world (regardless of what far right

I love learning something new from someone who clearly knows the subject matter

I don’t have any issue with people celebrating. So long as you didnt criticize others for celebrating the death of Osama. Because that would be the height of hypocrisy, and thats the only thing thats really pissed me off about all this. Many of the same people who criticized others for celebrating the death of Bin

Damn, I did not know that. Kind of gives new meaning to the Nirvana song