You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.
You also suck at aerodynamics because all you did was look at the Cd and totally ignored frontal area. Drag has two components. Cd is one, frontal area is the other.
So many taquito references today.
Everything’s going to be fine.
Possibly to avoid costly and lengthy audits from Equal Opportunity and to maintain a somewhat diverse workforce for positive PR. This is not uncommon.
It’s the fundamental building block of afirmitive action (judging by the color of their skin or gender, and not by the content of their character...the opposite of what MLK fought for).
I think this an extraordinarily written summary of the brand, and I loved how you charted its progress via something as unique as the advertising. Mid-2000s Volvos do really make you shake your head and wonder where their vintage pragmatic ethos went to, and it’s fascinating how you tied that in to their Ford-induced…
Curbs are not part of the circuit, don’t drive over them.
Actually, I don’t think that point could be stressed enough. Aliyev is a little baby and his country is complete crap literally created by Stalin in the 20th century to appease Turkey and try to bribe Turkey into joining the USSR.
My Dad’s driving would put the Andrettis to shame. One July 4th weekend, he passed twenty four vehicles ( two passes of 12 each) on Minnesota Hwy 47, a two lane, in his 1968 Dodge Van. If I hadn’t survived the experience from the passenger seat, I wouldn’t have believed it. Many times he had his 1965 Olds F-85 up to…
How things change! Now people run away from the Mustangs.
Yep, you’re dead on. $24,000 in 1997 is $36,880 today.
Yours isn’t the stupidest response to my comment.
No diesel engine on earth is as legendary as a 12-valve Cummins. Not only is the inline-six known for its awesome…
I used to sell them.