

At what point do you cross the line from disagreeing with or even hating Trump to actively trying to sabotage the government? Trump the man may be bad news, but he’s the President now. Shouldn’t we rely on the checks and balances built into our system rather than trying to “sink the ship” altogether? Disregarding the

GIzmodo, my dude, give it up. This shit is what it is. Lot’s of people in this thread are right, it is getting harder and harder to look at Giz a tech site. Trump slamming is getting to be a bit much, he is a dick, but so are many world leaders. We all have to live with it.

Imagine Salem Media converting all their sites into operatives seeking to take down a Democrat ruler like Obama or Hillary. How far away would the shrieks of outrage be heard - Pluto, the next galaxy over or the far side of the Universe?

Why on earth would anybody with newsworthy information to share, share it with Gizmodo Media Group?

Well, you guys have officially tipped your hat. No more journalism here, just pure politics. I’ll get my gadget news elsewhere.

No offense guys and gals but you’ll need to drop your personal biases out of your articles for me to consider any of your sites an actual “news” source. I’m as anti-Trump as can be, but I call it like I see it.

“Where’s the joke” is a common question regarding PewDiePie.

Good, now drop Jontron too

Except non-citizens don’t necessarily enjoy any of the rights dictated by the U.S. constitution. Particularly if they are outside the US. A Syrian shooting another Syrian in Syria has no right to a trial by jury. And, from what I can gather, “in the airport” isn’t legally “in the US”. (Hence the Tom Hanks movie of

Ooh-ooh-ooh! a [maybe] Trump related story! Gotta run with it!

What you call a mess some see as a defensive measure. I’m sorry, but you must understand that there are alternate opinions and to shout down any that disagree with your own results in the construction of an echo-chamber where individual thought and opinion is discouraged.

I don’t under stand why all this hate on this travel ban, it’s the same thing Barack Obama did in 2011, plus it’s protected by us code 8 subsection f of 1182 (f)Suspension of entry or imposition of restrictions by President

“Cleaning up the mess left after President Trump...” *Sigh* Four more years of this sort of coverage. It’s going to be a long and bitter four years...

Holy shit, do people actually take memes this seriously? They’re funny pictures with captions not a doctoral thesis on existentialism.


Seriously. It is as if people don’t understand that there are more depths and types of love than eros (eroticism.) There is also storge (empathy and caring), philia (friendship love as strong as your family ties), and agape (unconditional love.) As the Joker tends to be depicted as frenemy, his relationship would fall

I get a little tired of the LGBTQ community defining everything in relation to being LGBTQ. Bert & Ernie aren’t gay. They’re T(-.-T) MUPPETS. It’s not as if there are other Muppet couples banging away on screen. THEY’RE NOT GAY THEY’RE MUPPETS

So you just turned the Lego movie into Gaygo?

neatly capturing the blithe, criminal ignorance that characterizes both Trump himself and the many dozens of millions of morons who thought he should be the leader of the free world.