Jesus Christ. I got a grad degree from OU. This does not augment my degree.
Jesus Christ. I got a grad degree from OU. This does not augment my degree.
DeSean Jackson (shoulder) did not speak to reporters as he left field after practice.
Washington wide receiver DeSean Jackson was talking some of that good stuff during a recent press conference,…
Foster plans to get through the season playing Hold’em.
I mean, the cycle is stupid. We get more excited by a cycle than by a guy hitting three homers and a triple. But it’s OK and fun to be stupid sometimes.
He’s 8th all-time among 3B on fangraphs. The other 6 guys are in the Hall and then #1 is ARod so yeah. He should be in there when he’s done and it really shouldn’t even be a debate.
That’s awesome, but even if he had legged out a 2nd triple, couldn’t we just call that a cycle? How in God’s name is that not more impressive? If people are going to be that inflexible about the cycle, then hitting for the cycle is stupid.
Currently he’s #36. By the end of this year he should pass Griffey Jr. and next year he should pass Chipper Jones.
This one puts him in HOF in my books. He has a higher career WAR than Jeter and by a good margin. He will most likely end up with 3000 hits and maybe 450+ homers. Him and Jeter both have a career 115 OPS+ and Beltre is the superior defender. Almost everyone would say Jeter is a first ballot Lock. Need more? Beltre is…
I’d normally bash a guy for going for personal stats at the team’s expense. Not this time. I love how he said, “maybe”. I’ll give him a pass for owning it.
The Royals are still mad that they lost The World Series to a team with one starting pitcher.
He can’t relate and that makes him uncomfortable
I guess I can finish my sentencE, now.
Wow. That’s some Republican presidential candidate-level Blithering he’s got going on, there.
The claim that Brady destroyed his phone is a canard, and meaningless. A very convenient distraction by the NFL distorting the real issue here that Brady was not legally required to turn over the contents of his phone. Giselle makes more (irrelevant) money than Tom, and extracts that income from images of herself. No…
Also (5), this report (which otherwise seems to frame the facts in the NFL’s favor) once again suggests that what Goodell wants more than anything else is contrition. He gave Ray Rice a light punishment because he found Rice sufficiently remorseful, and went after Adrian Peterson because he was too defiant. He seems…