I for one am voting for more wedding massacres in season 2.
That header image is upsetting me greatly. I don’t know why.
“If Harley got something from Joker, she’d probably cherish it,” Robbie told the magazine, adding that she feeds Rat Rat organic berries from Whole Foods.
Hmm... have you performed The Ritual? Usually it’s a mistake in symbology. Remember, the order you draw the glyphs is important, and ALL the candles have to stay lit the entire time.
You KNOW Batman is totally pissed about Superman fucking up his ride.
Prediction: Hamm will be married to a much younger woman, and become a father within a couple of years.
Like the fact that he’s married to Blake Lively?
This struck me so sad and she so looks like Kim Walker who also died terribly young.
This is so sad—she was so young! I loved that movie when I was a kid and remember thinking that she was the most beautiful girl I’d ever seen...especially in that amazing white suede fringe outfit. RIP, Amanda.
Unless your are willing to spend from two to four hours a day practicing practical shooting technique, do not carry a firearm.
I want to watch a buddy cop show about her and Rachel Dolezal. Rach is the tough, take-no-shit, blackface cop. She doesn’t need a gun or badge; she’s got her bow and arrow and her race card. Belle is the freewheeling hippie cop with a tragic secret: she’s dying of fake-ass cancer. Together, they must team up to fight…
How does this rank on the “poor taste” scale compared to Lady Gaga singing “Do What U Want” with R Kelly (music video by Terry Richardson)?