
True, it’s not very huge, but I think you have your width specs wayy off.  It is for sure wider than a ranger.

This is some good jalopnik hating.

I didn’t see a lot of citations to support the headline, Bradley? Who is walking anything back? More like suppositions from your end that they wont achieve the full mandates, which I fully agree with.

They won’t. They don’t care. It’s just marketing.

Seriously.  It flew right over my house just earlier in the show.  I didn’t ever agree to let old soviet garbage be callously flown around the country by a civilian.

That vid was terrific, thanks. Now I really want to upgrade my wife from her CX-9 to this sexy new CX90.

What software mods does the i3 RE need, and how hard are they to do?

Agreed. It looks like it has two open buttholes trying to push out some exhaust pipe.

There’s a reason the journey’s are cheap.  They are hot flaming turds.

Right.  But flying by plane would be way more expensive and cumbersome, so they mostly wouldn’t do it.  They should stay the fuck at home

Soo locks here in Michigan just got a shit load of money thrown at it. (Saulte ste marie).

No, redline is not 7500.  Thats probably just how high the tachometer goes, maybe?

Except its not actually coming.  This is just virtue signaling. It’ll get repealed when they finally wake up and realize there are not nearly enough affordable EVs for anyone to buy, even by 2035.  The supply chain is expanding far slower than the demand.

All it’s actually gonna do (if the law holds) is making BEVs even MORE expensive by adding a shit load of forced demand to an already constrained supply chain for battery minerals and production.

My well water stays 55 degree all summer long here in southern Michigan. You can’t fill a kiddie pool from it, take 3 days to warm up before it’s even nice to go in. By that time its full of bugs and dirt, grass, etc.

My guess is, mainly because of how easy it was to get the idiot, coke-snorting investors on wall street to push billions into your startup if you promised that your self-driving tech was only 3 months away from level 5 or whatever.  Loads of money flowed into these small companies who then got swallowed by the larger

Lol. They absorb (and convert) solar energy, dingus.

You wouldn’t be able to see shit through a constantly splashed windshield. Mirrors are handy. The roll cage is just from the RZR cab already.

The largest appropriation – $130 million – was made for the new EV training center.

A 2016 traverse doesn’t have a digital gauge cluster, so the speedo would have been primary units of km/hr, not MPH.  So either the OP didn’t ever think about this, OR the car wasn’t actually canadian