Deez! 2016

Cannot stand Tom Girardi. Regardless of his actual IQ, he's 100% convinced he's the smartest guy in every room. And if MrStu ever told me to shut up, he'd been searching for a hotel room to sleep in in under 5 minutes.

yup. i’m NOT into the way he shuts people up. even if they are interrupting him.

It’s twice now that Tom has told Erika to shut up, right?

Well, if she insists….

Hopefully her wound will be covered with Liberal Tears brand gauze.

This would be deliciously funny if an innocent kid hadn’t been scarred for life. Fuuuck. Guessing the authorities chalk this up to an accident as per usual.

I remember thinking this about Paris Hilton years ago and then one day...poof she vanished. But not it's an entire family of Paris Hiltons which is making it harder to forget about them.

Flirting is not sex, sex is not flirting, and I’m sure Cameron Bure will be irritated by this headline.

I see no end to the Kardashian madness. They are no Adele where they can disappear for a couple of years and come back better than ever so now we have this daily influx of stories and made up scandals to keep them fresh in our brains. I’m literally tired of them. And yes I know I can simple skip on posts about them


It would make a hell of a salad dressing tbh

I wrote some very angry and very murderous things that I don’t want to hit “publish” on. So instead here are some cute animals.

Seriously. That sounds like a salad dressing recipe. I can’t wrap my head around the combination of stupidity and hubris that would cause you to believe that you, a random person untrained in medicine, have discovered a cure for meningitis, autism, etc.

FUCK these people and let’s let them lie in bed dying of meningitis and see if they refuse fucking medical care. Reminds me of my religious zealot cousin who refused to get prenatal care and insisted on a half-assed home birth but quickly raced her ass to the hospital when the baby wasn’t breathing and needed a

People, please start believing that health care IS the miracle God sent you.

And when hanging out with Kate, I’d like to *gently* point out that she really needs to stop it with the eyeliner all around her eyes, it’s dated and it ages her and she just refuses to change that even slightly. I suspect the silly cow had that shit tattooed on but it doesn’t appear to even be fading. I wish someone

Forget being their child- I want that coat. I could totally rock that coat!

I just love them. I hope they have a big fat healthy baby that I can obsess over too.