Deez! 2016

“That is not a good thing” by Martha.

I would watch an entire show of Martha just dissing stuff.

I don’t want to spoil anyone, but this segmant had me laughing so hard my chest hurt afterwards.

There is no point in trying to suss meaning from Trump’s words. He doesn’t believe them, so why should you? All we have to go by are his actions. He runs businesses that consistently refuse to pay their bills. He rents out his name to whatever terrible product wants it. He has driven numerous businesses to bankruptcy.

That is legit the way I read this headline.

The best burn in the segment is describing Kanye as a bored sociopath with a finger free anus.

And also, the government is not a business and should not be run as such. Consider the implications of the “savings” generated by using a different water source for Flint, Michigan...

This was arguably one of his best episodes he’s done, and it’s a shame to say that because spending this much time on an asshole like Drumpf is akin to putting your hand in a meat slicer.

I think The Revenant is hands down the most boringest movie on this planet of Earth.

Agreed. This was the most lean, well edited, best constructed movie on a technical basis this year, and for that matter, in the action genre for any a number of years.

Alright, I’ll take the hate. Mad Max Fury Road is not that great of a movie. It’s smart for a blockbuster ‘splosion-fest, but it’s not actually all that smart. It HAS an ecological gimmick, but it doesn’t say anything about it. It HAS a sexist main hero and strong women, but it doesn’t really say anything about

#TeamMinogue. Also, if you ever get the chance to see her live, do it. Her voice is so much more substantial than recordings.

I’m 100% sure she did not get the joke.

Now playing

This is why I love Sandra Bullock. The same year she won the Oscar, she won a Razzie the evening before for that weird stalker movie she made with Bradley Cooper, I think. Not only did she show up to accept the Razzie, she showed up with one of those little wagons for kids piled up with copies of the movie for

Every time this topic comes up all I can think about is how effing great Dornan was in “The Fall,” and I can’t figure out why he let himself participate in this.

Right how much do we think Bob Saget and Candace Cameron actually hate each other?

If I were the Olsens I wouldn’t want to spend any extra time around Candice Cameron no matter how much they were paying me.

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!

Gigi’s boobs are actually more boring than Gigi herself.