
I cannot imagine what it would feel like to wake up and be confronted with a mass murder perpetrated by your child. That being said, maybe it’s best to lay low for a while? This “sweet child” will see his day in court; save your defense for The Defence and wait for the bodies of his victims to cool.

The media may be reporting that, but people in this area are not buying it. My whole office has nothing but contempt for the shooter’s family trying to play like he is a victim. Most people want the father arrested too- for failing to secure his firearms. People are pissed.

Great writing.

The super-rich are all pretty shitty. They’re sociopaths.

Is he lying, though? I recall a video of R Kelly peeing on a 14 year old, and then Ignition Remix came out. And Step in the Name of Love. And Chocolate Factory. And Niggas forgot. And sold the video on 125 and in China town (I was 19 or so when that shit came out. I refused to watch it) He SHOULD have been canceled a

But how do you feel about Beyonce renting out the Anjelika theater here in NY for screen Allen’s latest movie?’ll stir the Beyhive or whatever the fuck they call her cult of tasteless dipshits.

Hmm interesting. I’ve never been a fan of any of her endeavors, music, or style, but I’m shocked she would do that. See, some people just don’t give a fuck.

It’s like gun sales peaking after a mass shooting or terror attack. People stock up on that which they fear will be taken away. R Kelly’s music has a nostalgic quality for many, so they’re hoarding his songs before the feminists try to steal their childhood memories or something.

Lucy Liu is beautiful, but blonde is not her color.

Nothing Avril Lavigne does will ever be as morbidly fascinating as marrying Chad Kroeger.

A garment fitting well and fitting tightly are not synonymous. I too think that Meghan Markel’s dress looked ill-fitting but not because it wasn’t “tight.”

The emmys haven’t been announced for this year.

What’s the cost of a good price?

I’ve been boycotting since they got in trouble for cutting up leftover winter coats so the homeless couldn’t wear them... does that count?

If I see one more article using the words “romantic” or “spurned” and implicitly laying this girl’s death and others at her feet for making the shooter do this, I will set something on fire. Conservatives are all over this, with their “if she had just been nice to him!” schtick that does nothing but harm women and

“Beyoncé rented out a theater at the Angelika Film Center in New York City for a private viewing of the newly released Woody Allen film Wonder Wheel for her husband’s birthday bash.”

One of the things I find so challenging about men like this is that they think they’ve got it figured out, that they’re operating on a higher plane, but really, their intellectual development is so stunted by their entitlement and misplaced rage that they have the intellectual capacity of a four year old who’s been

The guys feel totally justified in having high standards, and are mad that women have any.

What makes me angry about the entire “incel” thing - outside of the obvious entitlement and objectification of women - is that these assholes claiming that women are just picking high-status men are the same assholes who won’t date “beneath them.” It’s not that they CAN’T get laid. They just don’t want any woman who