
If you can explain how having ill will towards a monster is “bad” or “particularly bad”, then please explain.

Oh FFS. You can both disapprove of capital punishment and “vigilante justice” and still think this guy deserves a couple shots to the face.

1. If it’s bad, I don’t want to be good.

1. Absolutely Not

1.) Is it bad that I was hoping that Dad was going to get some good licks in on Larry before anyone could intervene?

I am really surprised to see no reaction to the Rose McGowan story here.

I don’t think anyone doubted she was getting played. The question was “ Do we care?”

I don’t think anyone doubted she was getting played. The question was “ Do we care?”

I’m only here for the Patriots fans’ comments if this gets crossposted to Deadspin. It’s going to get messier than the comment section on an article that gently critiques Bernie Sanders.

I’m confused. If the police didn’t do anything, how was she indicted?

She’s not excusing it because it’s not criminal. It sounds to me like she’s saying that there’s a lot of room for things to be wrong before they technically break a law.

I’m just ready and waiting for this fail.

I’ve been saying this too!! Start ignoring them people! The issue is no one realizes that they make just as much, if not more money on hate and controversy...they just don’t care. They’re actually really similar to the Trumps tbh.

Right? Why people freely giving away forgiveness like this?

This is awful and I’m sorry for saying this(actually I’m not) I just flinch when folks say this:

who is even buying yeezy besides young white kids? yall aren’t gonna fool me with the shenanigans.

Considering that when you go over to Jez, no less than twenty white women will argue with you than she is in fact a Woman of Color. All that to say yes, he probably thinks that.

I’ve always thought Kanye marrying Kim outed who he was.

If Kanye wants to sit around pretending that black girls want to be Kim instead of the other way around, then that’s his business. The rest of us however will never forget those six months he dressed Kim up as a Beyonce clone.

It’s his job to explain to his wife why what she’s been doing and continues to do is not only wrong, it’s hurtful, to black women.