I couldn’t get away from my desk so I had to have a granola bar for lunch. What did y’all eat today?
You should have seen some of the Glee stans on Twitter with their bs “he made mistakes in his life...”
That would be icky fine if he didn’t stop to throw the elderly and/or fat women under the bus while humblebragging about how many younguns his bank account pulls in.
“I’ll bet Jay and Bey change diapers for their twins”
Trying to pretend like some of us do remember Melania peddling that racist birther bullshit back when she was hawking her horrible line of jewelry or face care. Whatever it was, it was a lie.
“a captive in her own home”
I swear I read this twice and I still don’t understand whats happening here.
1. Stagehand sends “unsolicited racist and misogynist text message” (To those two cameramen? To everyone on staff?)
2. Cameramen complain.
3 ???
4. Questlove supposedly requests that NBC fire “all Caucasian employees who received the unsolicited…
True, except when you plead your case on social media begging people to support your own movement (#NotMe) and not even considering the fact that maybe some of the more problematic aspects of your life and career might give people pause.
Hey when you have to let your neighbors know you live near them, how far are you legally obligated to go? Like just the street you live on or is it everything within X feet from your house? I bet apartment buildings would be especially tough.
Except one of those things is exploitative and three of them are not.
So...you know.
And? Something can be legal and creepy at the same time. A 35 year old man pursuing a 17 year old is one of those things
“He didn’t assualt me personally and I’ve never actually watch him assault someone” isn’t as good a defense as people seem to think it is.
Please, Russell’s nasty ass met Kimora when she was only 17 years old. So maybe she isn’t the best judge of what it means to be a good man when she was given such a skewed experience at a young age.
Ok :) Thanks for your response!
I’m fairly active on Jez and you can check my comment history and decide if I am really an asshole or not. I like to think I tend to get along pretty well with people on here. I was merely asking, as a man, how one could actually handle that situation in a way that was sincere and meaningful while not putting the…
And what’s wrong with playing devil’s advocate,generally speaking? It gives an opportunity for actual discussion instead of a circle jerk of agreement.
But for real though - would it have been any better for him to show up to the awards show and present?