Jesse and his ex-wife are messy, neither one seems to understand how to communicate through lawyers and not make everything public and ugly. Think about your kids, you two dopes and at least PRETEND to get along in public and don’t speak ill of each other to the children. Jesse, I understand you’ve moved on but it’s…
Badu is a navel gazing dingbat. Some artists are intelligent, brilliant and speak on complicated or simple issues. Badu is not one of them. I suspect she likes being a contrarian and likes the ego boost of presenting herself on another plane without having to do the work—study, thought, speaking with purpose. She is…
Musicians generally have a loose grip on reality, if at all. Sane people make boring music.
So this “blogger” not only started and then first escalated it when she could’ve just backed away after the hotel said it was fed up with youtubers expecting freebies but yet is still dragging it out when White Moose’s social media game is far superior to hers, even with the supposed handicap of them being over 30.…
Erykah always had a bit of hotepness in her. Or as my cousin calls it “a taste of shea butter bitchassedness in the soul”.
Wait, ya’ll are surprised by this? Badu has long been on a list of people who’s interviews I avoid because I know they’ll say some dumb shit that will make me question why i fuck with them.
Badu is full of shit tho. She wasn’t playing that “I see the good in everyone” card when cops pulled her over and she immediately…
I wasn’t making a rape joke. Most pedophiles have a hard time in prison because other inmates were victims of sexual abuse themselves. They often inflict violence or other means of intimidation on pedophiles. Whether he is confined to a solitary environment or has interaction with the population, his time in prison…
He wont be anywhere near other inmates. He’ll be in solitary until he dies, 23 hours a day in a little cell, and a couple showers a week. To me thats worse than death.
Don’t they suicide proof cells for inmates like him? They leave nothing that could potentially be used to kill themselves - no sheets on the bed, etc.
That’s a really interesting question, isn’t it? Let’s say in about 30 years we are able to dramatically alter human lifespans. Will “life sentences” continue to be taken literally when a lifespan is measured in centuries and not decades? Will there be a movement to have such sentences (or centuries long sentences,…
Aided, abetted, assisted, incited, encouraged, supported, vouched for, silenced for, covered for...all of it.
There needs to be mass protests at MSU until Simon and most of the board resign. These people are coddled executive class folks, they are used to being mostly anonymous and occasionally celebrated. They won’t stand up to being permanent public pariahs, they’ll run.
Burn it all down and start anew.
The pieces of his letter that she read into the record were incredible. This dude thinks he’s the victim. He actually used the phrase “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.”
“Your decision to assault was calculated, precise, devious, despicable,” Aquilina said. “You played on everyone’s vulnerability. I’m not vulnerable.=
I hope medical advances keep him alive to serve each and every year he’s sentenced to.
That’s all very nice. Now let’s turn our eyes to the people who aided and abetted him all of these years. MSU, we turn our lonely eyes to you.
I have no inside knowledge, and I’ll probably get this totally wrong, but I’ve gotta think it snowballed. They tried to cover up the first few reports to cover their own asses, then the next few, and then they realized the problem was way bigger than their pathetic, self-serving, miserable, piece of shit organization…
“Wait, we can swear?” - the previous 157 victims