
Anybody got plans to ask him to his face about his white supremacist dog whistle tweeting? Or how actively courting a Chan-culture audience is encouraging a base built on cryptofascism?

We have an accused rapist, accused pedo, and known racist as President. It’s also very likely that Trump is suffering cognitive decline. But everyone is hung up on the fact that Elizabeth Warren believed her mom when she said her family is part Native.

It was a misstep and tone deaf

I think she burned herself with the ancestry reveal

Warren is still my #1 choice. Out of all of the many Democratic candidates, she’s the one that really has put the most thought into policy, which I adore. I am a bit concerned with her age, but I’d say the same about Bernie or Biden (if he runs). Then again, women live longer than men....

Why would we need Trump to do that? Progressives are doing it for him. I know a lot of people who feel like the DNA test disqualifies her from the presidency, and the liberal media (using that to specifically mean media with a stated liberal viewpoint) let the DNA test serve as as a lead in to a lot of really

If you like this woman, DONATE TO HER CAMPAIGN! Even if she isn’t your top choice or you aren’t “100% sold” on her, DONATE TO HER CAMPAIGN. Regardless of how she does in the primary, her policies are the best ones out there and can be used as a road map by whomever goes up against Trump.

Elizabeth Warren is the serious person’s candidate.

Which unfortunately means she will likely be overlooked for something flashier and more vague?

We are doomed.

You know Elizabeth Warren is hitting a nerve when the editorial pages of the Wall Street Journal, National Review and Fox News are soiling their pants responding to each and every one of her proposals. Proposals by the way that wait for it........ actually lay out how she is going to pay for it. Warren needs to hang

“...and promised that his mere presence in the White House would make everything okay...”

Which is really similar to what happened to Clinton. You had one candidate putting forward serious suggestions for how to handle important issues in the country, and one candidate who lied about everything and promised that his mere presence in the White House would make everything okay, and most of the media coverage

If a woman isn’t on the 2020 ticket in some way, shape or form I’mma lost my SHIT. People get really irrational with me when I make this demand, this craaaazy idea that 1 of 46 presidents should be a woman. The only women running I’m not excited about are Gabbard and Klobuchar. 

I feel the same way. I can’t say I’m 100% sold on anyone but I keep coming back to Warren. It’s unfortunate that what she is doing is so lost in all the chaos.

Her focus on policy is one of the reasons she’s my top pick right now. I have a really hard time imagining much of this being enacted, but I love that she’s putting them out there, and wish the media would give more attention to this than to the horse race stuff they usually focus on (not you all).

This is exactly what they did in 2015/2016 against HRC because she wasn’t Bernie. They unfortunately continued to do it even after he had mathematically lost the primary. I’m not sure why they’re going all-in with him AGAIN despite there being a plethora of qualified alternatives in the primary this go-around, but

I love this design toolkit. I love the thoughtful color choice. I love the color story. I love that he named colors for his dogs. You know what I hate? The constant need to snark and shit on everything all of the time. Get a damn grip, guys. It’s just a campaign banner toolkit. 

As a designer, I’m asking you kindly to please stop trying to discuss design.

The tone of this article is sickening. Just write, “He’s not Bernie, so I hate him no matter he does or says” and be done with it. Even Buttigieg himself assumed he was a longshot and only, like, just recently managed to get noticed. And he formally announced three days ago that he’s running. The primary election is a

Huh. So you’re saying these artsy design people are bored by Pete’s font and color choices? Cool, yeah, he shouldn’t be President.

Damn, Splinter just loves finding any reason to shit all over Buttigieg.