I know I’m probably going to get a ton of flack for this, but I just rewatched the movie and i have to say, it was pretty bad.
I know I’m probably going to get a ton of flack for this, but I just rewatched the movie and i have to say, it was pretty bad.
I agree that its great to see representation in the media we consume. But this movie was mediocre at best. The pacing was weird, the plot weak, and Randall Park’s character was a negative, surly jerk. I’m afraid that we as an audience are lowering our standards for movies, since Netflix churns out so many of them.
I actually enjoyed this, the song and the video. The song is catchy. And the video is fun to look at with great costumes and style...Katy found herself a theme she could play with that wasn’t blatant cultural appropriation. I do want to know though what kind of boob wizardry they were using for that orange dress…
“...do I need to hear three of the least attractive and most annoying men on Earth...”
So you lot of hypocrites just gonna keep giving Cardi B a pass on all the terrible shit she has done, huh?
Sounds like the babies who cried about the all female Ghostbusters reboot.
Ed Sheeran is said to be poised to become a billionaire before he turns 30 in just two years.
The original All That will never be a good as Roundhouse.
Why would he change? He’s been endorsed by many in the Democratic Party leadership. All over social media Democrats are swearing to vote blue no matter who. Every time a comment reads, “He’s not my first choice, but I’ll vote for him,” it emboldens those who have decided he should be the anointed candidate. Why would…
I don’t fucking care. And you know why? Because just yesterday McConnell stated with a snarky laugh that should a seat open up on the Supreme Court next year he will ignore what he said when Obama appointed Merrick Garland and jam someone through. The Right has been weaponizing the courts for years while we Dems and…
We already know he hasn’t learned anything. Jez u have written many articles about how he hasn’t learned anything. We complain about how female candidates aren’t getting as much attention. Yet most election coverage on here is about the white men in the race. Here’s an idea let’s spend more energy talking about the…
I cannot believe there have been this many stories published about what boils down to two people arguing over gummy vitamins.
“tHeRe'S nO dIfFeReNcE bEtWeEn ThE pArTiEs."
Roe v. Wade is all but dead now. This is the nail. It’ll go all the way up, and the Psychotic with a capital P arch-right wing that now loves overturning legal precedent, will strike it down.
“Hillary and Trump are basically the same. Maybe we need the shock of someone like Trump to really wake people up!”
This. Yeah, I’m gonna play “I told you so” too. Hillary may not have checked all the boxes as far as the environment, etc., whatever, but there was no way the gains that have been made in the past few decades were going to be wiped the fuck out they way they have been by Trump and his gang of shits. Instead of…
I would love for all the Bernie supporters to come and tell us again about how Hillary is just as bad as Trump. If the challenges to any of these new laws end up in the Supreme Court, given
Yes—indiscriminate mass killing of an unarmed populace, is how I meant it, but “massacre” would probably have been a better choice of words considering the context.