
Dunno, pretty sure this is ending with a new system of rule and a semi-democratically elected ruled for each realm and they will all get together in a big UN Council. 

I’ve been spending most of the last 12 hours re-watching that clip over and over. It’s so satisfying. 

I’ll vote for whoever wins the primary, but I will never stop screaming that Bernie is a huge, unforgivable piece of shit. 

News flash: He was never good at policy or speeches. He was just NOT HILLARY. That was enough in 2016, but it sure as hell isn’t enough now. He can’t get away with being so obviously lacking (on top of being nearly 80) this time around.

She’s not

Why praise a proposal if she shows absolutely zero ability or interest in seeing it through? 

If someone wrote an entire blog post with shitty opinions about the clothing I choose to put on my body...they get to hear from me. 

I’m sorry, is Jezebel now taking the stance that Call Out Culture is...bad? Ok. 

The second paragraph, I couldn’t tell if you were talking about Biden or Sanders. 

Sat next to two young Millennials (23-24?) on the subway the other day. One had a yest infection and they were chatting about it (sure! why not!) and one girl had convinced the other to buy some kind of pH body wash and put Borax up there? They were going on and on about other methods (yogurt? vitamins?) and I’m just

The two white dudes who are polling the highest in the Dem field have a combined age of 153 years old. Anyway....

I don’t have an issue paying off my insane loans. My issue is the interest. I am just paying interest. I’m not touching the principal. I’m on the income-based repayment that Public Service Loan Forgiveness demand on be on and all I can see is my loan growing and growing (doubled with those Great Recession

I’m just going to guess that this was a lot of mental and emotional work (and worry) that you wife had to deal with and she gave you the honor of making your life stress free. 

Ah, yes, the “Eh, I guess if I get pregnant it’s NBD” method. If you go in with that mindset, you definitely won’t be disappointment when you likely become  pregnant.

Werther’s are amazing. They take patience, but that’s just more time to enjoy the buttery goodness. 

The only support I’ve seen for Yang is the deep hole of white bros on Twitter and r/politics trying to find another reason not to vote for a woman. He’s a prop, not a candidate. I don’t see the point. 

How about we put aside all white men who will be in their 80s the first year of the new presidential term? Just a thought. 

With this kind of attitude, we may as well give up on ever electing a woman. You ever notice how these bullshit “scandals” only seem to hurt THEM? Can you imagine if Warren or Harris had said anyone could become a millionaire if they wrote a “best selling book” like them? We all know what this is. Recognize it.

Read: An old white man this time, ladies. Move along.

Every time she drops these packages, I throw her some $$.