
Is this really the hill folks will die on to find a reason not to vote for a woman this time around? 

If folks actually voted for folks based on sound policy and ability - she is it. Period. But, shockingly, all the folks who claimed they were SO NOT SEXIST in 2016 because they’d vote for Waren, would never vote for Warren. Folks cannot get over this “feeling” they have about her. I truly don’t believe we will

You can tell the Bernie stans from how hard they are currently snarking all over Buttigieg. The desperation and fear just oozes out of them. 

I love this design toolkit. I love the thoughtful color choice. I love the color story. I love that he named colors for his dogs. You know what I hate? The constant need to snark and shit on everything all of the time. Get a damn grip, guys. It’s just a campaign banner toolkit. 

The building is owned by France, not the Church. But, sure, the country should let their largest tourist attraction and historical center rot to make your point. 

The building is owned by France. They loan it to the church and refused to fund conservation, instead suggesting that the church get donations. If France took this site seriously as a national historic site, they should have paid more attention. Shame on them, really.

Good. The country refused to pay for the significant conservation this building needed and now it’s mostly destroyed. If the public won’t fund this, I’m glad someone will. 

To be fair, his target audience is nationalist white folk who want to be told that all of the country’s issues can be solved by ignoring “identity politics” and focusing just on economic policy that will never be fulfilled! 

Arguably the best of any major politician in the US”. Thanks for making me do a spit take on this wild statement. 

Someone help me understand why people like this cranky ass old white man. Help. Me. Understand. 

Williamsburg has a large and insulated Hasidic population. Wrong target group, dude. 

I respect the hell out of folks who change their damn minds and stick up for that shift. There’s nothing laudable about saying the same thing and thinking the same way for half a damn century (cough-Bernie-cough). Change is natural and shows a willingness to listen and open ones mind. 

...Wow, great Hawt Taek.

My shallow ass opinion: She is absolutely stunning. 

She makes kids happy. It’s whatever. Just let her live and destroy her hairline if she wants to while we brace ourselves for her Miley Cyrus rebellion phase. 

This show is...perfect. I can’t tell you how freeing it is to watch a dark show like this where men almost never get to speak. 

So is this a musical or no? What is this supposed to be? 

Obama appears for less than 5 minutes. Funny thing, it’s not ABOUT him. 

Maybe you shouldn’t speak about something until you’ve seen it? I mean, I know, I know, it’s Jezebel. You’re here to hate everything that isn’t Bernie Sanders for some reason. Anyway, I saw this play in previews and it was amazing. Laurie Metcalf is just beyond words.  

Wow. This is SO EDGY. Tell us more, and then tell us how Jagged Little Pill is also bad.