Nobody in Europe tips. They receive a living wage. The rest of us aren’t tipped for doing our jobs at a living wage. Just how it is.
Nobody in Europe tips. They receive a living wage. The rest of us aren’t tipped for doing our jobs at a living wage. Just how it is.
Tipping is mandatory until servers receive minimum wage. Now, how do my fellow NYC folks feel about Lyft & Uber drivers now receiving the minimum wage? I’ve kind of been pulling back on tipping all together because of it, especially since the cost has gone up significantly. Just wondering what other folks are feeling…
...You think restaurant owners are rich? Bless your heart, sweet summer child. Unless we’re talking about The Cheesecake Factory, most non-chain local restaurateurs are struggling themselves.
And just like Bernie Sanders, this dude will neglect to read the room and will run anyway. Because only white men pushing 80 can get us out of this scrape, amiright?!
It’s like these designers have no idea that fashion isn’t just a single piece walking down the runway on a human clothes hanger. Real people will be wearing the clothes you designs (or knock off variations of them). The fact that so many of these designers still have no idea how to design FOR bodies is embarrassing.
It’s amazing how deeply folks question time tested and verified vaccinations, but they will buy into any unregulated but “natural” beauty product someone puts on the market. We’re living in the Dark Ages, truly.
You mean we shouldn’t let folks continue to brush their teeth with charcoal and rip their enamel to shreds? I was looking forward to admiring all of the snaggle tooth Instagram kids in a few years!
That girl is going to be bald in a year. Looking at her hair makes my roots hurt.
Hey, guess what, juries are sexist and dumb and WILL judge a defendant by what they are wearing. Guess what else? Women are judged a lot more harshly than men by what they wear! I don’t care about this woman in any way, but feeding into this kind of sexist gossipy trash (yes, yes, I know, it’s Jezebel) isn’t helpful.
Thanks for finding a gif of someone who’s even less sympathetic than Khloe Kardashian!
Holy Vaseline Filter, Batman!
WV is not a hot bed of progressive, liberal voters. Stop gaslighting people into believing that they will vote for an actual liberal. It’s either you get 25% with Manchin, or you get -25% with a Republican.
Because they realize that voting yes on the GND would come back to bite them in the ass when folks realize how much random crap is in there. It’s not a real legislative package and proposal. It includes a lot of extra (and questionable) information in there that would likely come back to haunt Dems from red states or…
It’s either Manchin or a West Virginia Republican. Thems the facts. You’re not going to get any better than him from WV.
Really loving this era in American culture when the most popular way we express ourselves on the feminist internet is to talk about how something “actually” sucks. Enjoying things, even for sentimental reasons, is BAD!
She did live in the era before elastics were used in clothing so...I believe her.
“She said she objected to the secret nature of the grand jury process”
This is the internet content I need. Inject it into my veins.
Are you going to stick to that statement when Stacey Abrams runs?
...Sorry, what? What are you even...? Is she running for President after JUST winning her Senate Seat, or...?