
“King Orm, looks like Viserys from Game of Thrones.”

in my early forties, I broke up with a perfectly nice man who was not meeting my emotional and sexual needs. he knew this, and stated flatly that he had no intention of changing, yet was shocked - SHOCKED - that I broke up with him, a perfectly nice man.
he actually said to me, incredulously, “you would rather be ALONE

I once went out with a guy who used to not only claim it was artistically scandalous that DJs would cut off the last few minutes of Stone Roses ‘I Am the Resurrection’ (first few minutes of it are the actual song, popular indie club stuff, the last are basically just wanky guitar noodling you can’t dance to.....

Breaking up, these days at least, is the ultimate feminist act. It’s saying that I have my own money, job, apartment/house, independence, whatever that I don’t need this man who isn’t meeting my needs in this relationship. This sentiment is true now more than ever because for the longest time a man with a good job was

This is a very nerdy comment and almost everyone here has a scalding hatred for Bob Dylan, so I apologise in advance. In the lyrics Dylan wrote for his song ‘Sara’, he admitted that he wrote another song, ‘Sad Eyed Lady of the Lowlands’, for estranged wife Sara Lowndes. Based on chiefly that admission in the song

In the nearly 20-minute song

and it’s not excludable as hearsay because it’s

The only fools were the captain and the boating company who still allowed business to happen that day. It’s unfair to assume that customers of any kind of tourism or activity like this, know anything about boating. Cause most times they don’t. They put all their trust in the captain to know what’s right.

Most people don’t have experience boating and don’t realize that boats aren’t immune to that type of weather, especially on a lake. It’s not every day that you hear about a large boat sinking in the middle of an American lake. And I’m not sure what you expected them to do once they’d already left the dock and the

Well, with all due respect, you really fucked this story up, James. No mention of the alt-right monster who dredged these up as supposed “proof” of a nefarious pedophile conspiracy theory in Hollywood? How this is an ideologically-motivated hit job orchestrated by someone who operates entirely in the realm of

No, Meghan doesn’t have to do anything regarding her family to make you or anyone else feel better.

I know next to nothing about the Royal fam and have very little interest, but that does seem very sad. Perhaps he’s a bad dude and that why he’s being shunned? Dunno.

I don’t believe “a gentleman never tells” was a better response to an invasive question about what may or may not have happened in an airplane restroom than just not responding at all.

I didn’t understand a single thing in this article. 

Wait, what?

this answer is gold.  Thanks!

I do indeed!

I agree with your points, but you mean "role." I kept picturing a convoluted debate over who should get the last dinner roll.

Exactly. My annoyance at this casting runs deep. Even if I could accept a female cis actor, ScarJo is a bad choice. It’s bad casting full stop.