It’s a phenomenon that has occurred in American history since Colonial times. I studied it in women’s history in college. Scads of women have had high-powered, lucrative careers telling other women to get back in the kitchen.
It’s a phenomenon that has occurred in American history since Colonial times. I studied it in women’s history in college. Scads of women have had high-powered, lucrative careers telling other women to get back in the kitchen.
Looks to me like “the lesson” from her first tweet is that she has an abusive and dysfunctional marriage.
Chivalry? What the hell does that mean? The girls are helpless and trapped in towers by dragons and need to be rescued?
Correct. I know #notallcharters, but seriously, creating better safeguards around their approval, continuation and quality needs to be a nation-wide educational prirority. In many states, charters can operate outside of local control. Elected school boards and school districts, if they are inclined to set some checks…
I just *love* that a winning argument included ‘criss-cross applesauce’. You are destined for great things, Keely, don’t stop being you.
traditional girls will do what you’re told, never interrupt a man/boy when he’s speaking, always defer to the males in the room, do not complain when being should be thankful that you are pretty enough to be molested....and never, ever, ever, say no. That’s just not…
“the school said that making girls wear skirts is supposed to promote ‘chivalry,’ and ‘traditional values,’”
This sounds like one of those charter schools Betsy DeVos wants to give more money to! You know, those great ‘traditional’ values, like sexism and wanting to defund the Special Olympics. Don’t forget not caring about students’ civil rights on school property.
Exactly! It’s nauseating that girls have to exist as props so that boys learn something. How about classes about treating all people with respect, explaining consent, and being decent citizens?
I’m glad they fought and won the right to have the dress code modified to be more inclusive.
Kind of like how Coulter writes books and makes TV appearances where she says she doesn’t believe women should be working, and you want to scream at her, “What the fuck are you doing right now, ya hateful bitch?”
It’s almost like they’re all full of shit and don’t really believe their big bag of bullshit, using it all as a way to feel superior and to bash on minorities.
They’d accuse you of being a sexist anti-Christian bigot and feel absolutely no irony.
And in many cases, they are the breadwinners, or at least more famous for their professional accomplishments. So, do they have to publicly suck their husband’s dicks to offset bringing home the bacon? I’m confused how it all works.
Also they shouldn’t be talking or typing in public... or having opinions and things.
You underestimate their ability to lie to themselves and play It’s OK If You’re A Republican.
Men apparently need some pretty serious lessons in anatomy.
oh, bless your heart. We haven’t had one of you on Jez for a long time.
Why the fuck did you even bother to respond? Jesus H fucking Christ are you so effing up your own ass that you think anyone cares what your opinion is? Especially since you did not even comprehend what the article was about.
It seems you need an anatomy lesson.