
Folks like her _are_ selfish children.

God, yes.


Garage Sale Mysteries were the most boring mystery movies on the channel.”

When Calls Jack McCoy

Seriously, who knew blues, greens, whites, and grays could look so...beige?

Don’t feel guilty. The question you should always ask yourself is “Is my life better with or without her?” And often it isn’t until life really gets hard that you see what a person is really about. Had two good friends in college whose personalities (one super-smart, and knew it; the other an endless drama queen) were

Hee. I like how small the desk is. Lotta studying getting done on that, right?

TPTB don’t want to give black folks _anything_ here—whether it be clean water or money to leave. As far as the former are concerned, Flint residents should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and figure out a solution for themselves—not rely on the gubmint to fix things.

...but if he plows your newspaper under, all bets are off, I guess?

The money is way secondary to having the power to dictate who’s a valid consumer and who isn’t. Racist companies like Barney’s would rather lose googobs of money than reveal they regard black consumers as less-than—or admit they are wrong to do so. It’s the same reason fashion is still so sizeist and racist—those in

Ugh, no one, one hopes. Rebecca lives through others’ impressions of her—it’s what makes her so haunting (and unnerving.)  She’s a twisted ideal of Brit aristocratic perfection, and it would be hard to have someone actually portray het.

Hammer’s not tortured enough, either. One aspect of Maxim the Rigg miniseries addressed was that Maxim was mostly likely a Great War vet, which meant his life post-trenches was one escape from carnage/survivor’s guilt after another. Makes sense he would be so invested in his family name/maintaining the past that he’d

Hee. David Tennant for Favell.

Damn straight. My Swiss Army knife lives on my keychain.

Yeesh. Was he a Kavanaugh-lite? 

What’s the deal with Deere stuff? (I’m from New Jersey, so I knows nuthin about tractors...;)

I hope the FBI interviews her.

Heh. I’ve always liked She-Devil. Roseanne was not good in it, but Streep perfectly nailed those vapid a-man-should-be-a-man, love-is-fantasy types whose self-absorption sucks the air out of the planet. And it is very astute about how women can’t win trying to live up to society’s unrealistic standards of