
I’ve never ‘crashed’ per se, but I did have the experience of wandering down a hotel hallway (in semi-formal attire), having complete strangers that weren’t even particularly inebriated asking me who I was, and then receiving a random invite to join a reception.

The bullshit part of this is that “you can’t fire me cause I’m a sex criminal” shouldn’t be a legit point to push back on and it shouldn’t hurt an organization’s reputation to stand up to that -- in fact, it should be applauded that the organization itself is willing to recognize and fix it rather than cover it up.

A recent book, “Pure : Inside the Evangelical Movement That Shamed a Generation of Young Women and How I Broke Free” by Linda Kay Klein is about this very subject.

I can from a similar background and the part that was hardest for me was the actual let down of what sex is. Obviously I knew and figured it out, but I was honestly left feeling “so that’s it?!” After the first time. Sex in my religious experience is upheld as this magical thing that’s amazing and life altering for

One of the weirdest parts for me about attending evangelical/very religious weddings is when the father or other family members either alludes or straight up talks about how he has “protected” his daughter (i.e. her virginity) up until her marriage, and when there are multiple references to how the couple is going to

Choosing the Best includes a similar exercise using adhesive tape. The exercise involves placing tape on a student’s skin, then removing it to show what has transferred from the skin to the tape. What remains on the tape is supposed to represent the emotional baggage resulting from sex.”

I’m so done with people on either side trying to put a ‘feminist’ or pro - woman spin on the misogynistic abuse, intolerance, and the dehumanization of women that comes with purity culture/respectability politics.

She wants more unwanted pregnancies that can’t be aborted. Poor women and children are so easy to fuck with. Take away social services so they’ll be easy marks for evangelicals and ever privatized military and prisons. They know abstinence education doesn’t work. 

From what I’ve read, this is not uncommon among women raised in evangelical households. It’s fucking tragic.

I have a friend who chose to put off sex until after her marriage. She was so inculcated by the “sex is wrong and it taints you forever!” crowd at her church that it took them six months before they could have PiV sex.

The idea is for poor  people to stop fucking so they can finally go away. Trump can stick his tree stump fungus wherever he damn well pleases so you need to accept that.

The idea of the Trump administration pushing abstinence is just too precious for words. It’s almost like he has to be especially willing to cater to the religious far-right because he himself is so clearly not actually a religious person.

In my experience, nothing makes a misogynist, half-assing dude go from zero to sputtering Kavanaugh than a woman finally holding him accountable at work.

This female park ranger is so angry and so unsurprised. 

A few other choice nuggets from the Outside article:

Yup. More specifically, by a single member of the club. There was only one complainant in the grievance filed against her--a guy whose main complaint was that she punished him on the multiple occasions that he refused to do his job. smh. 

So basically - the woman hired to replace the guy fired for enabling a He Man Woman Hater’s club is harassed out of her job by the He Man Woman Hater’s club. 

Fuck this toxic park; seriously. Someone needs to clean house there from top to bottom. Unfortunately, with Dump in office that likelihood is nil.

The National Park Service still exists in 1916. My fellow rangers used the n-word almost daily. They don’t give a shit about employment law. There’s very much an attitude of, “We ARE the government, so we make the rules, and no outsiders can tell us what to do.” I’ve got stories for hours. All I’ll say is they need to