Mama June of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and From Not to Hot fame (“fame” is not an accurate descriptor, but the mot juste eludes me)
Mama June of Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and From Not to Hot fame (“fame” is not an accurate descriptor, but the mot juste eludes me)
I’m shocked a woman who gave a 6-year-old energy drinks to get high to perform in pageants does crack. SHOCKED!
I’m not sure why this disgusting woman is still relevant? Sure, she lost a ton of weight but she’s still a terrible mother for exploiting her kids on TV.
They should have been taken away the minute she decided to bring the piece of shit man who molested her older daughter back around after getting out of prison. I mean, jfc. Clearly she cares much more about herself than any of her children’s wellbeing.
To be as concise as possible: Mama June was caught hanging out with a man who had recently been released from prison for molesting one of her own daughters.
Let’s be serious: she didn’t lose all that weight from diet and exercise, she lost all that weight because she’s a crackhead.
Infamy “the state of being well known for some bad quality or deed". There’s a perfectly cromulent word for these situations
Mama June is garbage and always has been.
“I don’t want you to get sticked or nothing.”
I think le mot juste for what Mama June’s got- not being fame - is notoriety.
The most exciting thing about this for me is that it will actually be in stores, instead of the whole “we want your money but don’t actually want to see your large body in our retail space” thing a lot of other stores pull. (ok, only some stores - but I imagine they’ll make room if it’s a success.)
Part of me is glad another straight-size retailer is finally embracing the fact that they are ignoring a (ahem) huge market share by ignoring plus sizes. I’m glad for all the rich fat girls who had to go into the store with their skinnier friends and settle for looking at accessories while their friends tried things…
I feel you so much. My first reaction to hearing a place is now offering plus size options is to be like “Fuck them. What took them so long? I don’t know if I want to support them now because they weren’t there for me before.” But then the other part of me is like, “YES! MORE OPTIONS!”
I dream of a day when plus size lines use models that more like the average plus size woman and not a 6-foot tall one with an hourglass figure and boobs that rest directly under their chins, or small boobs at that.
True, but it’s the scale of this operation and the fact that two likable moms from TV are the face of the investigation that is shining a light on the practices involved. Something like 750 families. But as I heard a college admissions expert state yesterday, there are still millions of students who get in the fair…
A lot of what people consider “success” is actually crap, like having lots of followers on social media, curated photos of international vacations, being young and attractive and being able to get dates with other young and attractive people. Just because someone is flaunting their life in front of you doesn’t mean…
I am sure conservatives will tell us they either they’e good because they’re job creators of that they’re bad because they’re the Hollywood Liberal Elite.
It just gets more and more ridiculous. And the USC interim president must be tearing her hair out, because she was brought in to clean up after they fired the last one in the wake of the predator gyno. This is a must read:
My cousin in law just graduated from USC. From what I understand, the rich white bros were using Caruso’s yacht pretty frequently. I’m not shocked to hear that she’s running in those circles.
Man. She was literally yachting. That’s just ... incredible.